Share Your Guides!


TBT Hoarder
Nov 29, 2013
Enchanted Butterfly Glow Wand
Snowflake Glow Wand
Pumpkin Glow Wand
I want to see what guides or 'Kinknacks' you guys use for ACNL!

It doesn't even have to be a guide but it DOES have to include ACNL in some way weather it is a neat trick or a holiday!

Tell the community how you get certain hybrids or if you have had a weird experience xD
For my hybrids, I only water one kind per in-game day, because it basically ensures that there will be a new flower/s (depending on how many there are initially) there the next day. The more flowers you have, the more flowers they will produce.
when redd shows up in my town i go back and forward days to buy all his paintings i can but u have to be careful bc villagers will move out
I have an entire bookmarks folder on Chrome, dedicated to AC:NL. Here's a 'short' list:
- Item Database
- Public Works Projects
- Guide to getting Villager Pings for PWPs
- Redd's Fake/Real Artwork Guide
- Nookling Shop Upgrade Guide
- Island Farming Beetle Price Guide
- New Character: Face Guide
- Salon Styling Guide
- Customised New Leaf Furniture
- Gulliver Guide

I've got a ton more, including long list of QR code links, including turning regular images into QR codes and great guides for creating your own outfits. Also, massive number of website with premade outfits/paths etc from various sources.
I'd run out of space, fast. :/