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Clothing Shira makes a bunch of clothes


Senior Member
Jun 23, 2013
Throwback Tickets
I've really gotten into making clothing lately, so I thought I would make a thread. Expect updates as more clothing is made. I've made some clothing before: http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?97832-ThatGameCompany-Journey-and-flOw-designs
Here's what I've made since.

This design is based on the clothing Wander from Shadow of the Colossus wears. The patterns on his clothing are much too intricate to reproduce perfectly, but I did my best.


A design based off of Sugar, from the game OFF. In the original game sprite, it isn't clear how much clothing she's wearing. Some see her as wearing nothing but Xs over her chest, and others see her in a white shirt. I took the middle ground for this design, basing the shirt off of a piece of concept art for the character where she wears half a shirt.


Orpheus, from Persona 3. If you've ever played the game, you'll realize that his design is a bit difficult to make into an AC design. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't get the sleeves to come out like I wanted.


A Vocaloid design, Kaito to be specific. I'm sure there are many much more artistic fans that have done better than I did, but I tried.


Lastly, a simple dress unrelated to anything. Made in frustration after spending over an hour on a design before giving up on it it.

If anyone has a suggestion they'd like to see me make (Unlikely that anyone would want this, but still), feel free to say so!
Ooh, nice wander outfit! I can imagine that the pattern would be hard to replicate @_@ Looks slick though! maybe the diagonal bits could do with a little anti-aliasing?
Ooh, nice wander outfit! I can imagine that the pattern would be hard to replicate @_@ Looks slick though! maybe the diagonal bits could do with a little anti-aliasing?
Thank you! I've never tried anti-aliasing, I'll have to look up how!