Shoot me questions!

do you consider yourself a patient person?


honestly, if my anime takes longer then a few secconds to load i refresh the page

and it takes longer rip ;v;

- - - Post Merge - - -

EEEP my favourites Akame ga Kill~ I love the gory/dark ones XD
I used to like Magical Girl ones, I still do but not as much. I really like Madoka Magica though!

and yes
gore is love
gore is life
I used to like Magical Girl ones, I still do but not as much. I really like Madoka Magica though!

and yes
gore is love
gore is life

OH YEAH I STARTED WATCHING THAT THE OTHER DAY AND ITS REALLY GOOD!!! lol binge watched it till my eyes hurt...then watched the third movie(that ending tho)
<33 Kyoko