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Shops ( ´◔︎ ‸◔︎`)


˖✧⋆︎Bam is my husband&#89
Dec 14, 2019
Sautéed Mushrooms
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
Tasty Cake
Chocolate Cake
Sakura Easter Egg
Winter Mittens
Winter Mittens
Winter Mittens
Winter Mittens
Winter Mittens
✩︎My dreams for shops in NH✩︎
Firstly for ALL shop staff who follow me... Stop following me around, it drives me crazy!!!

I'm going to be completely honest and say what I don't like about T&T Emporium..

It's too small and cramped in the store so I'd rather that it was Timmy & Tommy's own store that can be expanded to accommodate more wallpapers and carpets and items. so many... Yes...
They could have a floor for
✩︎Items inc furniture,
✩︎another for fortune cookies and lottery
✩︎another for Nook's Homes which would focus on interior and exterior decorating!
They could sell wallpapers, carpets and all the other stuff from Nook's Homes.
I think that would make more sense that way!

I really hope that Saharah will have some sort of pop-up-shop this time so we can buy:
✩︎more rare wallpapers and carpets
✩︎maybe even some Saharah themed furniture for indoors and outdoors
✩︎and outfits etc...

Leif needs his own flower shop!!!
If we work towards this, we deserve more variety since it's so frustrating to have so little in NL!
✩︎More plants and flowers including rare ones!
✩︎Special gardening tools accessories etc
✩︎Garden themed furniture
✩︎Fertiliser that has a real purpose and actually does something!
✩︎Weeding service/rota it would be too easy to get Leif to weed but having a rota between all villagers or working on a specific area would make sense! That way we all contribute to the health of our island!

Sable & Mable
✩︎More clothes
✩︎upgradable shop with more floors
✩︎Floor for possible crafting use?
✩︎More pattern storage
✩︎More outlines to design like: frilly umbrella or dress, shoes, gloves, hat shapes, socks and tights etc
✩︎Give Sable a break from sewing... Her poor claws! And she must have swollen feet too!

Labelle & Harriet (Shampoodle) team up
This would make sense since they both work with the face and heads.
✩︎Patterns for hair
✩︎More wigs
✩︎Accessories can be placed on top of wigs!
✩︎If accessories are on different parts of the face: i.e Sunglasses and leaf in mouth - they can be worn together.
So limit can be more than one, as long as it doesn't interfere with each other.
✩︎More than one hair colour:
Ombr?s, fades and highlights would be a nice addition and give us incentive to using Shampoodle!
✩︎Contacts - having special eye coloured contacts that have a sparkle in them or mismatched eyes, multiple colours, change the pupil etc... Another incentive to use Shampoodle!
✩︎Buying blush and makeup!

I liked kicks shop and could probably see him being next to Labelle again
✩︎I think it would be nice to get the soles of shoes changed since I was always obsessed with different types of shoe soles and what sound they made on the floor.
kiki-and-lala-shoes.jpg These did not click-clock like I expected them to, so if I go to Kicks, I can have the desired sole fitted to love these shoes that only make a jelly sole sound...
✩︎I can make them sound like these shoes: white-patent-shoes.jpg

Dream suite Luna
I love Luna so much, she's such a calming NPC
✩︎it would be nice to have more options at the Dream Suite
✩︎Create a dream or nightmare - letting others know what theme you're going for would really help when choosing a dream!
✩︎replenishing energy because you had a dream!
✩︎doing some relaxation breathing exercises and yoga to keep calm and healthy
✩︎if you don't want people to dream of your island, maybe they could just dream of your house which could host your fave villagers and characters?

I liked having a shop and then didn't visit it much after that, especially when I had a Lovely Phone handy! Pay bells for a fortune or call a hotline for free?
I think they need to add more to Katrina like
✩︎not just wearing clothes but getting gems or ore or
✩︎keeping a four leaf clover on you or mushroom?
✩︎Maybe changing your hair colour or getting contacts etc...
✩︎maybe even forewarning us of a villager's impeding doom...

Museum Gift Shop
✩︎No more Celeste! She is an astronomer and should have her observatory back!
✩︎gift shop can be run by a gyroid or a new NPC do not put this task to Blathers as he is important too!
We should be able to buy:
✩︎Special items like the moon, lunar horizon wallpaper and floor, and all the space themed items ect...
✩︎would be nice if they added Alien stuff and lunar horizon wigs, clothes , furnature etc...
✩︎They could expand on dinosaur themes too and artsy stuff!

✩︎Hoping we can expand and maybe get KK to preform his acoustic set on Saturdays like before - he could probably play on the campground by the campfire before this?
I don't like the fact that it changes flippantly in NL! Blue Mountain, no sugar and a little bit of pigeon milk is what I ordered and what do I get? Blend!
✩︎Can I have more than one cup please? If I have morning coffee, I can't get coffee to go later whilst I take a moonlit stroll...

I love Re-Tail and I'm hoping for some extra special crafting from Cyrus!
✩︎We can still sell items in store, but they shouldn't be flea market! I want to have the flea market at my own house so I can put all those valuable fish and bugs on show to drain all the villagers bank accounts and bell hoards!!!
︎changing colours on items - can we do this for wallpapers and floors too? If they're Green or Blue, then offer us a different type of that colour! But for all the rest, the customisation would be endless!!!
✩︎Can we make double beds to single beds and vice versa!
Like: I love this bed but it too big!
✩︎Colours shouldn't be locked to series! If we want pastel or dark colours, they should be available for recolour on every item!
There's space to put items on here but oh no, that's not possible! Why? Make it possible please!!!

Club LOL needs to be called Club Dead... No joke! There's more people partying with Tortimer!
✩︎villagers need to be THERE
✩︎can we invite villagers and vice versa?
✩︎DJ KK here only please, I prefer to sit in The Roost drinking coffee whilst chillin' with KK!
✩︎more dance moves!
Maybe Pav? could show up every Friday and teach us a new dance move do we can shine like PAV?!
✩︎I liked learning giving Shrunk fruit but I'd like to give him other things too! Maybe a cake?

✩︎What if the museum doesn't hold the aquarium anymore? What if that's separate?
Same for bugs...

Anyway this was much longer than I intended but I really hope some of these at least are in the game! ( ᵕᴗᵕ )*・☪︎?̩͙

Anything that you really disliked it would prefer in shops?
I liked how they were in NL, but agree that the shops should be bigger, Leif should have his own shop, and maybe add a fortune cookie shop.

Yep, they walk too close to you, especially Leif.
It was a little creepy. :)
You can give shrunk any edible food item, candies, lollipops, even the chocolate cake, which he enjoyed greatly

I think the bugs and aquarium will still stay in the museum, no reason to change that now

But honestly nothing that i can think of at the moment
I love all these ideas! Especially having different items have more color choices.
Also, I love your pfp hhh
I love all of these ideas!!! Minus just one: I kinda like when the shopkeeper follows you around hehehe.
Let me see..
I hope that Nook sells the neat PC fortune cookies instead of the Nintendo items (or alongside them, ooh maybe have all kinds of different types? Like, a zelda themed cookie or kirby themed, etc.). I never used them, but I know lots of people love them :) I love the idea of merging nooks homes with timmy and tommys shop and I really hope they do that. I hope that we can choose the exterior of our shops once we are far enough along, because I like Nookingtons but my preferred style is like rustic / old looking stuff lmao.
I love the idea of Saharah having a pop-up shop. I think it would be so cool if our city/mainstreet equivalent had a little marketplace that was mostly empty but would have travelers set up their stores on certain days. Like Redd, Joan, Saharah, Chip and Nat could come and sell special fishing rods+bait and nets+honey(?), (come wintertime) Jingle, (come october) Jack, maybe even Katie?
I hope Leif has his own flower shop again, it was soo cute! And I really think we are getting heaps of new flower-types in NH. I hope villagers swing by and buy flowers and fertilizer to plant, too. Maybe this is where we can buy topiary's, flower arches, and the wisteria trellis pwp?
I don't think the able sisters have ever changed the interior of their store (it is very classic, though.) and it would be interesting to see some changes. I hope they don't change too much though, its so cozy. I hope we can have as many pattern spots as HHD. I also hope that Sable and Mable have separate days off sometime and that we can see them walking around/having coffee/browsing the museum hehe. I also hope they sell more clothes each day because there are so many different types now! Maybe even bags and cute purses?
I really like the idea of Labelle and Harriet working together but I would also like to see Gracie come back. But all of your ideas are soooo good omg. I really hope we can add accessories to wigs and stuff.
The observatory needs to come back, periodt.
I loved the inside of the Roost in CF + WW but I didn't like the redesign of it in NL. I hope they either go back or make it cozier in there. I also wish we could buy coffee and then take it to a table and drink with our friends while we watch K.K. :)
I think it would be cool if Re-Tail sold a couple of post-Cyrus'ed items already on display. Already refurbished and ready to buy. I hope they make changes to the Flea-Market too.
No more Club LOL/DJ KK pleease. Bring the theater back (and the auction house)!! Let us invite villagers to come with us too. :)
I hope we can choose the exterior of all the shops. If we can't, that's ok (but I so wish that we can :lemon:)
I hope Dodo airlines sells souvenirs that are relevant to your town :) Like little town-flags or music box(/ringtone lmao) of our town tune! Maybe our custom designs.
I hope we can send mail town to town through the post office. I also hope they bring back Phyllis's snootiness. Maybe we can donate to boondox again? Or something completely new!! I also hope they bring back the abd cards. :)
I hope we can unlock a shop or something where we can buy balloons and ice cream and stuff!
Maybe Katrina can sell us the ores, maybe some witchcraft/ouija type stuff.
i would love for gracie grace to have her own shop again, just like she had in cf
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I want Leif to have his own separate shop again. I didn't like when it got merged into the Nooklings' store. His shop was so cute!

I also want Katrina to keep her tent or have a more attractive exterior to her Fortune Teller's shop. In New Leaf, she was tucked back behind the Dream Suite in what looked like nothing more than an alleyway. I love her tent exterior and wish her Main Street shop had matched her aesthetic better.

I would love to see the Observatory make a return because I've never experienced it before. It sounds so cool, though.

I love Shrunk, but I'm not a big fan of Club LOL. I'd prefer to see K.K. play somewhere a little more appealing. I used to love his outdoor performances, but playing in the cafe seems pretty neat, too.

I don't want the shopkeepers to stand still. I like that they greet me and don't even mind if they follow me around, but I wish they gave me a little more space. Sometimes I feel like they are trying to race me to the item and they get in my way. I have to go around them or push them out of the way. So, I would just want them to back off a little bit.
I love all your ideas, they sound really neat and would definitely give the game so much more uniqueness. I agree with that the shopkeepers do tend to follow you around a little bit close. Maybe they could just sit still and then come to you when you want to buy something? Or either that, they could be at the register and you can pay for your items there just like real life shops do. :)

Leif definitely needs to have his own shop again and not be merged with Timmy and Tommy like in New Leaf. I've said this many times before, but Celeste needs to be back in the observatory watching the stars again. If the observatory does come back, please make even more room for star constellations. There was only so much room to make them in Wild World and City Folk.

Shampoodles should have more color contact options and I do agree with the accessories need to be paired up with wigs. Also, if they do have more wigs, please let there be more of a variety. Don't make ALL the wigs have bangs, do some without them too.

That's about all I can think of at the moment. I may post more later, but I'm definitely in agreement with everything you said about all the shops. :)
I think there should be a guys section in clothing as most of the items (especially PC items apart from a select few) are female fashion, while the guys get the generic stuff.

I want a shop with equally cool stuff for blokes. :)

I guess that makes me a FashionMister.
Hybrid flowers should never be available to buy in shops. I love the satisfactory feeling of breeding them yourself.
I liked how they were in NL, but agree that the shops should be bigger, Leif should have his own shop, and maybe add a fortune cookie shop.

Yep, they walk too close to you, especially Leif.
It was a little creepy. :)

Lol!!! It's so true! I wouldn't mind if they kept their distance but it's like they're trying to assimilate me! (◍︎˃̶ᗜ˂̶◍︎)✩︎

- - - Post Merge - - -

You can give shrunk any edible food item, candies, lollipops, even the chocolate cake, which he enjoyed greatly

I think the bugs and aquarium will still stay in the museum, no reason to change that now

But honestly nothing that i can think of at the moment

Yeah I remember now haha! Maybe if I could give him so cute clothes instead then "(⌯︎?̴̶̷̀ω?̴̶̷́)✧︎

- - - Post Merge - - -

I love all these ideas! Especially having different items have more color choices.
Also, I love your pfp hhh

YAAAY! Thankies so much ⁄(⁄ ⁄ˊૢ⁄ ⌑︎ ⁄ˋૢ⁄ ⁄)⁄ ♡♡♡
I love all of these ideas!!! Minus just one: I kinda like when the shopkeeper follows you around hehehe.
Let me see..
I hope that Nook sells the neat PC fortune cookies instead of the Nintendo items (or alongside them, ooh maybe have all kinds of different types? Like, a zelda themed cookie or kirby themed, etc.). I never used them, but I know lots of people love them :) I love the idea of merging nooks homes with timmy and tommys shop and I really hope they do that. I hope that we can choose the exterior of our shops once we are far enough along, because I like Nookingtons but my preferred style is like rustic / old looking stuff lmao.
I love the idea of Saharah having a pop-up shop. I think it would be so cool if our city/mainstreet equivalent had a little marketplace that was mostly empty but would have travelers set up their stores on certain days. Like Redd, Joan, Saharah, Chip and Nat could come and sell special fishing rods+bait and nets+honey(?), (come wintertime) Jingle, (come october) Jack, maybe even Katie?
I hope Leif has his own flower shop again, it was soo cute! And I really think we are getting heaps of new flower-types in NH. I hope villagers swing by and buy flowers and fertilizer to plant, too. Maybe this is where we can buy topiary's, flower arches, and the wisteria trellis pwp?
I don't think the able sisters have ever changed the interior of their store (it is very classic, though.) and it would be interesting to see some changes. I hope they don't change too much though, its so cozy. I hope we can have as many pattern spots as HHD. I also hope that Sable and Mable have separate days off sometime and that we can see them walking around/having coffee/browsing the museum hehe. I also hope they sell more clothes each day because there are so many different types now! Maybe even bags and cute purses?
I really like the idea of Labelle and Harriet working together but I would also like to see Gracie come back. But all of your ideas are soooo good omg. I really hope we can add accessories to wigs and stuff.
The observatory needs to come back, periodt.
I loved the inside of the Roost in CF + WW but I didn't like the redesign of it in NL. I hope they either go back or make it cozier in there. I also wish we could buy coffee and then take it to a table and drink with our friends while we watch K.K. :)
I think it would be cool if Re-Tail sold a couple of post-Cyrus'ed items already on display. Already refurbished and ready to buy. I hope they make changes to the Flea-Market too.
No more Club LOL/DJ KK pleease. Bring the theater back (and the auction house)!! Let us invite villagers to come with us too. :)
I hope we can choose the exterior of all the shops. If we can't, that's ok (but I so wish that we can :lemon:)
I hope Dodo airlines sells souvenirs that are relevant to your town :) Like little town-flags or music box(/ringtone lmao) of our town tune! Maybe our custom designs.
I hope we can send mail town to town through the post office. I also hope they bring back Phyllis's snootiness. Maybe we can donate to boondox again? Or something completely new!! I also hope they bring back the abd cards. :)
I hope we can unlock a shop or something where we can buy balloons and ice cream and stuff!
Maybe Katrina can sell us the ores, maybe some witchcraft/ouija type stuff.

OMIGOSH I love your ideas so much better!!! (ू′o‵ ू)*✲゚︎♡︎♪︎
I agree with bringing back the theatre! Now that I think about it, if there should be any club at all, it should be Club Rainbow with Pav?! I wouldn't mind dancing with Pav?, he's such an awesome NPC!
Definitely just have Shrunk and Frillard in the Theatre! Would be funny if our island had a drama night and all of us put on a show where we get to have a role hehe just for fun...
Ooo yes! The moar the merrier!!! I'd love to spend time with as many villagers as possible!

Yes! All the traveling NPC's together would be so much more dreamy!!! And exciting! (○︎-艸・)*:゚・☆︎
That's such a cute idea! I'd love for Jingle and Jack to visit in their months! Also Zipper hehe I love his theme!

Yes, yes, YESSS! The auction house managed better the auction house could be an exciting experience!!! ☝︎( ◠︎‿◠︎ )☝︎

The worst culprits for following are Reese, Timmy & Tommy and Leif... If they weren't as close, I think I'd feel more comfortable! Maybe if they had a secret drop down menu to disable things might be good? (((;՞;ٹ՞'));

Oh yes I forgot about Gracie! I like her having her own shop, since she's sooo fabulous! - Maybe a whole makeover! Maybe if she gets a new assistant too?
I always saw Gracie & Saharah as guys in WW but they're girls don't know why Eng Nintendo had to change that...?

So with the Able sisters, I completely agree that it should stay lovely and cosy! I think with the upgrades, they can have things hanging on the walls too as well as mannequins? Ooo that would be lovely to buy bags and purses from them ♡♡♡ maybe we'll have to go to them to get our clothes colours and patterns changed? Maybe Sable will warm up to us and ask if we'd like to change any of our clothes up? To see them taking a break with a coffee would be so lovely! I'd love that! Then I could just waltz up to them and give them a hug! ₍ᐢ⸝⸝? ̫ ?⸝⸝ᐢ₎

Wow! I didn't think about that but it would be cool to get some aviation souvenirs! Maybe even an awesome story too! Ooo and changing the flag there and getting a music box would make me feel like a mermaid ⁄(⁄ ⁄ˊૢ⁄ ⌑︎ ⁄ˋૢ⁄ ⁄)⁄
Hahaha OMIGOSH! YESSS! Ringtooones! What if a villager suddenly calls and they ask for a favour but they're standing right next to you hahaha
I need a favour!!!=͟͟͞͞(๑? ロ ?๑)ノシ <~~~ villager
anything for you, beloved dreamie villager‧⁺◟︎( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ?̫ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ ) <~~~ me ... [phone] 200 missed calls

OMIGOSH YESSS! I love that super sassy Phyllis! I just love her! I wonder how they'll switch up the mail? The cards really need to come back as they'll be essential for trading and Phyliss can setup or online accounts so we can handle transactions from there. We definitely need the post office for sending presents!
Ah! Yes, Boondox! I loved donating! Maybe we could donate to other islands and that could possible unlock them? ୧꒰*?꒳`*꒱૭✧︎

Speaking of balloons - wouldn't it be nice if we could attach something to a balloon and send it off like a message in a bottle except it's a present in the sky ٩꒰ʘʚʘ๑꒱۶
Also makes me wonder if we'll get more than ballon furnature this time! I hope so!
Yes! I hope Phineas starts giving us presents again! I loved getting those in LGTTC/CF ( ?థ౪థ)
We better get iced cream this time!!! I need it ˁ̡̡̡๑? ڡ?ˀ̡̡̡♡⃝︎

They did spooky themed witch furnature in PC and I used the cauldron as a cooking pot in my camper! So YESSS they could totally use that for Katrina and some super rare lucky items that are new to bring luck or misfortune (๑?⌓︎?๑)
It's horrible to say but if you really disliked a villager and you gave them an item of misfortune, you could watch them struggle... That's do awful but that villager could find out and throw it away on the island somewhere until someone else found it! ( ΄◞ิ︎ .̫.̫ ◟ิ︎‵)
And of course vice versa - they could do that to us or it could be a lucky version?

Oh yes Leif selling trellace and flower arches would be super cuuute! Also pond flowers and decor would be so lovely and climbing roses and plants! ∩︎`・◇︎・)ハイッ!!

I also love your idea about refurbishing shops exteriors too! We could make them really fit the theme of our islands to make everything more individual!!! ( ✧︎Д✧︎) キラーン

It's so fun talking about this hahaha (◍︎˃̶ᗜ˂̶◍︎)✩︎

- - - Post Merge - - -

i would love for gracie grace to have her own shop again, just like she had in cf

Same here! She's too fabulous to share! There's so much more we can see from beautiful Gracie! (? ꈊ ?)✧︎˖?オホッ!

- - - Post Merge - - -

I want Leif to have his own separate shop again. I didn't like when it got merged into the Nooklings' store. His shop was so cute!

I also want Katrina to keep her tent or have a more attractive exterior to her Fortune Teller's shop. In New Leaf, she was tucked back behind the Dream Suite in what looked like nothing more than an alleyway. I love her tent exterior and wish her Main Street shop had matched her aesthetic better.

I would love to see the Observatory make a return because I've never experienced it before. It sounds so cool, though.

I love Shrunk, but I'm not a big fan of Club LOL. I'd prefer to see K.K. play somewhere a little more appealing. I used to love his outdoor performances, but playing in the cafe seems pretty neat, too.

I don't want the shopkeepers to stand still. I like that they greet me and don't even mind if they follow me around, but I wish they gave me a little more space. Sometimes I feel like they are trying to race me to the item and they get in my way. I have to go around them or push them out of the way. So, I would just want them to back off a little bit.

I only started playing from WW but I think KK is one of those amazing characters that can play anywhere and make you melt!
I think he should be able to play outside as well as inside so we can appreciate him more! DJKK is ok, but I really enjoy an intimate acoustic session with him! If he played on the beach or campground, I'd just love that! (?゚艸゚)☆♪

- - - Post Merge - - -

I love all your ideas, they sound really neat and would definitely give the game so much more uniqueness. I agree with that the shopkeepers do tend to follow you around a little bit close. Maybe they could just sit still and then come to you when you want to buy something? Or either that, they could be at the register and you can pay for your items there just like real life shops do. :)

Leif definitely needs to have his own shop again and not be merged with Timmy and Tommy like in New Leaf. I've said this many times before, but Celeste needs to be back in the observatory watching the stars again. If the observatory does come back, please make even more room for star constellations. There was only so much room to make them in Wild World and City Folk.

Shampoodles should have more color contact options and I do agree with the accessories need to be paired up with wigs. Also, if they do have more wigs, please let there be more of a variety. Don't make ALL the wigs have bangs, do some without them too.

That's about all I can think of at the moment. I may post more later, but I'm definitely in agreement with everything you said about all the shops. :)

They gave us a lot in NL but also took away! Celeste is an amazing astronomer, her talent and cuteness was definitely was wasted in the gift shop, hidden away in NL...
Oh wow yes! Having a register would be so cute! Watching them ring up the shopping with their cute lil paws hehehe ₍ᐢ⸝⸝? ̫ ?⸝⸝ᐢ₎

I think them following you could be optional and then sitting and then coming to you sounds lovely if we could select thatc, I never realised others liked shop assistants following them, it's nice if they aren't too close hehe (?́ ॣ?̫ ॣ?̀,)՞
I think there should be a guys section in clothing as most of the items (especially PC items apart from a select few) are female fashion, while the guys get the generic stuff.

I want a shop with equally cool stuff for blokes. :)

I guess that makes me a FashionMister.

I couldn't agree more!!! ⸌̷̻ ( ᷇๑ॢ˃̶͈̀ ꇴ ˂̶͈́๑ॢ) ⸌̷̻
Guys just do not have enough clothes at all! Which is such a shame because guys clothes are so awesome! I love wearing men's jumpers irl they're the best! But I really think they'll add more because guys play AC too ⁽⁽٩(๑˃̶͈̀ ᗨ ˂̶͈́)۶⁾⁾ I think it's so cute seeing the guys styles in AC ♡♡♡

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hybrid flowers should never be available to buy in shops. I love the satisfactory feeling of breeding them yourself.

Oh absolutely!!! When I put rare flowers and plants, I meant about throwing in an occasional oversees plant like hibiscus etc... So we can plant them and then wait for the magic to bloom! (。☌︎ᴗ☌︎。)❤︎