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Short people problems


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Jan 25, 2020
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Ah, to be a short person.
I'm about 4'11 and I've lost count of how many times I've been called short, called a 12 year old, and just a baby. Not even how many in general, I've lost count of how many times people call me small on average for the day. Whenever I see my friends in person, one of them will proceed to put their arm on my shoulder as an armrest. At lunch, people also will proceed to pick up my lunchbox and do the thing where they raise their arm in the air and tell me to grab it, and run away while i'm chasing after them to get my lunchbox back.

But, it just makes it worse when you combine being small, and weak. Seriously, I can barely lift 8 pounds and can't hold it for more than 30 seconds to a minute. It doesn't end there for me, though-- I'm pretty slow as well, and that lunchbox thing I mentioned just makes it a whole lot worse because I can never catch up with them and I'm gonna need to take a break from running after only 20 seconds. Again, doesn't stop there, because I'm always the youngest person no matter the situation (aside from visiting cousins, but that's about it)

And it sucks! I can't be alone! I hate being a late bloomer with small relatives! I don't even know if I want to even be friends with them anymore because all they do on my birthday and any other day is make fun of my height every other time I speak.
So uh..
Do you have short people problems?
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I'm about 5'8 and a half and while its the average size for guys around here most of my friends growing up have been taller than me and a lot of the people I hang around are anywhere from 5'10 to 6'6, so yeah I feel you there about being the shortest in a group. if there's one positive it's that I'm atleast taller than my dad, he's 100% pure manlet (like 5'4-5'5)
I'm about 5'8 and a half and while its the average size for guys around here most of my friends growing up have been taller than me and a lot of the people I hang around are anywhere from 5'10 to 6'6, so yeah I feel you there about being the shortest in a group. if there's one positive it's that I'm atleast taller than my dad, he's 100% pure manlet (like 5'4-5'5)
I can already tell you you're definitely taller than me! I'm about 4'11 and haven't grown in about 3 years so rip me
im 168cm as a guy and i consider myself short for my gender. People often told me i look younger (blessed) but aside from my face, i think my height is a contributing factor. i dont like it tbh. i wanna grow taller
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I’m about 5”1-ish give or take. Ive come to accept the reality as a short person and truthfully it’s not all bad once you get adjusted to things besides bullying (it’s not cool and I don’t tolerate that!)
- My boyfriend is a foot taller than me and he has to take slower steps when he walks with me haha. One step for him is about 2-3 for me.
- I have to drive cars with the seat up high and close to the wheel because of my short legs and torso. This becomes a problem sometimes because others get annoyed when I drive their car and I adjust their seat and occasionally their rear view mirror.
- High shelves. If I can’t climb my way up or find a chair then I’ll ask someone without hesitation for their help
- This doesn’t apply to me anymore, but height restrictions for rides at an amusement park. When I was younger I hated being the only one in the group who couldn’t ride with everyone else.
- Being put in the front row in a group photo. There have been times where I wish I was behind because of how I looked that day or so I could be next to a friend or whoever.
im 5 feet and tbh I'm used to being called short and getting teased which I don't mind anymore lol
but I agree with wat @ Pupperina said about driving AHHH
I drive my dad's car cuz I don't have a car yet but I always feel bad whenever I have to adjust every single thing whenever I drive :c
Also since I'm short AND have a baby face I'm too scared to get a job cuz I feel that ppl are going to look down on me (literally) and judge how someone who looks like a child is working 💀
another thing is when I was volunteering for a korean school as a teacher's assistant the students were taller than me and ohhmyyy how much I wanted to punch those children whenever they compared their height to me 🙃
Not that short/tall (170 cm height) but my arms are as long as certain monkeys so even if I can reach stuff I can't like, extend my body to get the power to eg. take a book down from a high place etc.
I'm about 163cm (5'4 1/3) right now, but while i'm a 21 year old guy, i'm technically still growing and my bones haven't fused yet due to a medical condition. While I don't really get as many short people problems now, I definitely do still get called 12 years old and stuff. Since I work lates at a small grocery store, it's usually drunks that love shouting "haha are you allowed to serve here? omg he looks like he's 12" etc. although it has died down quite a bit, since it's mainly all regulars that I already know who shop there. Aside from that though, I do also still get very nervous when I have to order age restricted drinks at a bar/restaurant, since i'm very short and the bar staff usually ignore me unless I like shout very loud multiple times lol.

In terms of the OP's problems though, if you're friends are making fun of how short you are, just tell them you really don't like it. One of my college friends used to do that all the time at the start, but once I plucked up the courage to tell them I didn't like it, they stopped doing it and we actually became much better friends. I also had similar problems at school as you have right now, and honestly while it sounds really lame, just tell the teacher or whoever's in place to deal with reports, and say they're abusing you. I sadly had to do that once since I was getting bullied by a girl of all people, and couldn't really fight back because, y'know, I didn't wanna hit a girl. However, after we had a meeting she actually became very nice to me and I even ended up tutoring her a year later, and a lot of the other people in school became more empathetic with me, and I never had any problems after that at all. Sometimes you have to suck it up and do something you don't want to (I know tattling is known as lame) in order to make your life better. No ones gonna come along and magically fix things for you, you have to find other solutions to problems if you can't go the normal route due to being short/weak.
I'm 6', but my partner is a goblin so I bought her a fold away stool so she can reach the cups when I'm not in.

I also take her shopping so I can grab the products intended for giants.
I'm in the same boat my husband got me a stool to reach all the cupboards in the kitchen. Cause like I don't know why but who ever designed the house must of been like freaking 6'5 cause even the bath tub is a high climb to get into :(
im average height (5'3 or 5'4) last time i got my height checked i was in college but it wasnt accurate because i was wearing heels and didnt want to take them off lol. its weird cuz 99% of people ive met are taller than me, im not short by any means but i wish i was taller. wish i wouldnt have to climb up my cabinet every time i want biscuits or something
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id like to be around 5'8 but i mean i dont care that much
I've always been short so I would get teased for it a bit in school. I was never bullied, but I was always given nicknames involving being teeny tiny. Luckily, nobody ever really rested their arms on my head or shoulders. I'm sure that would be very annoying. But I did have some kids play keep away with my stuff occasionally at the bus stop or recess.

Now that I'm an adult, I'm still only 5'1". I need a stool to reach the kitchen cabinets and my husband has to reach things on the higher shelves when we go shopping. I also have problems finding pants that aren't too long, especially jeans. And it is such a pain to find a car that I can see out of properly even when I have the seat pulled all the way forward. I had to sit on a pillow in my first car which was so embarrassing but it was the only way I could see over the long hood.
5’3 I just hate that I can’t reach things up high, have to climb up on the kitchen counter to get something on the top shelf or find a pair of pants that fit properly without bunching around my ankles.
I’m 5’3 and imo the worst part about being short is the fact that I have to get clothes hemmed such as maxi dresses
5”4’, so I guess I’m technically average height for women in my age range. But I have the usual “I can’t reach tall cupboards and shelves” problem. Lucky for me, my boyfriend is half a foot taller than me and he can do most of the upper lifting at home. This only becomes a major problem at work, where I need to constantly use stepstools and I often pop my shoulders reaching above me.
i'm 5'0 and have had to deal with a lot of the things already mentioned, but for the most part i like my height! the biggest thing for me is people still thinking i'm younger. i've been going to middle/high school as an *adult* for observations and students keep thinking i'm also a student. i can only imagine how it'd be on my first day of actually teaching
also the fact that my sister's younger than me and is probably going to end up taller (if she isn't already)
I actually wish I was little. I’m 180cm tall and I’m a girl so... You can imagine the struggle. I hated that sooo much as a teenager. Thank god my bf is 190cm. I’m not as bothered nowadays