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Should I get a second cat? Dilemma...

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Senior Member
Jul 5, 2015
Sautéed Mushrooms
Pear (Fruit)
January Birthstone (Garnet)
Winter Mittens
Ok so the reason I have to ask is because this (second cat) is an opportunity that just popped up for me.

About the first cat:

I have a 7 year old Japanese Bobtail (Luck Neko!! the inspiration for Hello Kitty & the statues you see everywhere)

He is a desexed male & extremely affectionate to me. I have a disability where I am mostly at home & have the time for such an affectionate breed.
He is very happy with me & hates going outside. He gets lots of attention from me. However he has spent his whole life alone & I think like me he often gets lonely even with my company.

I can't be very active with him, but he does get lots of grooming & cuddles. Luckily he is not bothered by the lack of "sports" and only sometimes plays with other people. He mostly likes to sit.

He has had one friend before when I had someone cat sit while I visited family for a few months. For the first four days he didn't like it & hissed at the other cat, but after the first week they became close friends & even opted to sleep in the same basket!

So I think he would be wary of another cat at first, but hopefully after a week he will welcome some company besides me.

About the other cat: Someone I know casually was given a very beautiful white kitten. They took on the cat because the person wasn't able to sell all the kittens.

The thing is they don't seem to be jumping for joy or as happy with the kitten as I would be.
It's white & odd-eyed, and as a cat lover & also a fan of David Bowie I actually find his green & blue eyes utterly beautiful.
I was blown away by the cuteness of this kitten, and also going through depression, so would really be overjoyed with such a kitten.

They said they would take him home, and they are a very nice person, but I was thinking of asking them if they would sell him to me.
They seemed to be just "ok"/ "meh" with the cat, but I was would be jumping up & down about him.

My plan was to ask them if they were happy with the cat, and if they still only seemed so-so, was going to offer to take/buy him.

Obviously if they were happy with him I'd wish them luck, but I am worried he's not being as appreciate as he could be.

Other details/ worries:

- I can afford to feed two cats , and the vet bill for the shots.--that part (money) is fine.

-My cat has lived alone for a long time, but he is also lonely & ultimately think he'd like a friend. (worry)

-I'm planning to move soon, but I have to find a pet-friendly apartment anyway. I'm in no rush but don't like my area and moving.

- I'm worried there is something I haven't thought of

So do you think this possible second cat would make my life better or be a choice filled with DOOOM? Seriously I'm an anxious person, so kind advice welcome. :)
Yessss get another one I would if I could! Cats are amazing (better than dogs, in my opinion)
I feel like this situation is all pros and no cons. I say go for it! if the current owners aren't willing to sell, i'm sure there are plenty of sheltered kittens looking for homes.
As said above there doesn't seem to be any cons. You should do it!
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awww thanks guys! :)

I'm just an anxious person so I am always worried there is a hidden con, but thinking about there are only cons & stress that arise (like the moving & finding a pet-friendly apartment) that are already there with one cat,

:) I'll ask her & if she's still "meh" then fate is telling me to get him. Also I know it's not original, but I always wanted to call a cat like that "Ziggy" or "Bowie"
I want to say yes....but if you can't afford him, no. That's going to be worse for the cat then living with someone who seems 'meh' about the whole thing.

Also, maybe they only show excitement internally. Just because someone isn't jumping for joy doesn't mean they aren't excited or pleased. I rarely show when I'm excited, but I get that way all the time.
Do you think your cat would take well to a new kitten? We thought our elderly cat, Caramon, was lonely. We got two six week old male kittens and he hated them. He was very territorial over us, the sofa, his bed, etc and constantly hissed at and attacked them. When we got them a separate bed so they would stop bothering him he claimed that too and wouldn't let them near it!

A couple years later, after Caramon had passed away and the then-kittens were around two years old, we got a pair of six week old female kittens. Maybe it's because they were far closer in age this time (or maybe females are perceived as less of a threat?), but they instantly bonded.
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I have never seen a cat really like being around other cats so I don't think your cat is probably that lonely. It doesn't necessarily mean he will have a problem with another cat either. It really depends on the individual cat. A lot of them seem to really hate new cats but who knows what yours will do. He may just ignore it. I had two cats for a while but they were the same age and my boy cat was very mean to my girl cat. I ended up bringing her back to the humane society because she was so unhappy. I hope it works out for your kitties!
It's not just vaccinations and feeding that you have to worry about, you also have to take into account that accidents happen and animals get sick, so as long as you can afford to pay for these extra expenses then I don't see a problem with it.
I would advise against it, or to at least wait. Because older cats tend to have a harder time adjusting to new cats (observed this through experience working with animals and have cats of my own). Not to mention you are moving. Moving from a home/ a place they know very well is stressful to cats and adding a new cat to the equation would stress him even more. My opinion is to wait until you are moved to get a new cat, if at all. When introducing an old cat to a new cat there are certain ways to goabout it. Slowly to put it best.I know it sounds ridiculous but supervising the first meeting between the two. Having the new cat in a room and let the other cat smell from under the door and what not. Also considering this cat is 'odd-eyed' there is a chance it could be partially or completely deaf. So keep that in mind too.

These are just my thought ><
Good luck!
I want to say yes....but if you can't afford him, no. That's going to be worse for the cat then living with someone who seems 'meh' about the whole thing.

Also, maybe they only show excitement internally. Just because someone isn't jumping for joy doesn't mean they aren't excited or pleased. I rarely show when I'm excited, but I get that way all the time.

You should re-read the OP because it answers your question about money. They also told me in so many words it was "ok".

- - - Post Merge - - -

There was a happy ending to the story. :)

The person has a sister who was much more excited, and they are doing everything I would have done with him--so it looks like he's gone to a very good home.

They don't know if he has hearing issues or not (I am aware that is a thing with blue eyed white cats) but he seems o.k., but they are taking him to the vet for all his shots & first check-up.

I appreciate the supportive comments & solid advice. Didn't appreciate some of the slightly negative comments as I am an adult with savings so I certainly am not taking this lightly.

:confused:The experience did open me up to something I hadn't considered as much before--a second cat. Seeing my cat has had a friend before & LOVED the company, I will take on board the advice about ages.

I've heard & seen different things. Some cats my friends have take better to a kitten, others seem to ignore kittens and prefer the company of cats their own age.
Those comments have confused me a little as many people had better luck with kittens, but his friend was the same age. Hmm.

As for the moving I can't wait until then as there is no set date. I'm in no hurry--I'm not being evicted. I just don't like my area. I take a LONG time to research things & find things so the move will most likely take months.

Thanks again guys. :)
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