Should I get ACCF or a switch game?

What should I get?

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Bob do be the best cat tho
May 4, 2020
So I've been going back and playing games I played a long time ago my Wii and 3ds, and was wondering if I should get City Folk or a switch game(Botw and the new Paper Mario game are the ones I would chose from)
I started AC in 2012, with New Leaf. I haven't played City Folk.
I would love recommended Wii games, 3ds games, and switch games!
I would go for Breath Of The Wild, and I’m not even a Legend of Zelda fan. Reasons being City Folk was the game I played the least in the Animal Crossing series, and it’s still unsure how good the new Paper Mario game will be. Whereas BOTW is known to be a great game and provide many hours of fun for those who play it. Just my two cents though.
I forgot to put this in, but the Wii has backwards compatibility with Gamecube games. also looking for recommendations there!
City Folk is by and large considered the worst in the series, so I think any Switch game you're considering getting will probably be a better investment.

As far as GameCube games go, the original Animal Crossing is obviously a good one. Luigi's Mansion is a bit of a divisive game, but I think it's a lot of fun, and it seems to have a much larger cult following in recent years since Luigi's Mansion 2 and 3 have expanded upon the formula. If you're into RPG's, Phantasy Star Online, Digimon World 4, and Tales of Symphonia are all excellent picks. Metroid Prime is one that I'm constantly being recommended to the point where I picked up the trilogy on Wii, but haven't gotten around to playing it. Sonic Adventure DX is a flawed but serviceable port, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle is also good. Pac-Man World 2 is excellent and underrated. Super Mario Sunshine is another one of those games where I understand why some people have a kneejerk reaction to it--because it has quite a few segments that are absolutely terrible--but I feel the overall game is still very fun.

Super Smash Bros. Melee is another one people will probably recommend the heck out of it, and while it is a game I have a huge amount of nostalgia for (and I'd argue it has the best overall aesthetics, atmosphere, and music of any of the games), it might be difficult to go back to if you've played any of the more recent Smash Bros. games. Soul Calibur II is a good fighting game and the GameCube version has Link, which is a bonus. Wind Waker is good, but I think the Wii U version is probably better. There are some people that vastly prefer the GameCube version of Twilight Princess, so that's worth looking into as well. The GameCube Pokémon RPG games are also fun for what they are, but not a substitute f or the handheld versions, which is ironic since usually it's the other way around.

There's probably more I could list, but those are just the ones off the top of my head. Good luck!
City Folk is by and large considered the worst in the series, so I think any Switch game you're considering getting will probably be a better investment.

As far as GameCube games go, the original Animal Crossing is obviously a good one. Luigi's Mansion is a bit of a divisive game, but I think it's a lot of fun, and it seems to have a much larger cult following in recent years since Luigi's Mansion 2 and 3 have expanded upon the formula. If you're into RPG's, Phantasy Star Online, Digimon World 4, and Tales of Symphonia are all excellent picks. Metroid Prime is one that I'm constantly being recommended to the point where I picked up the trilogy on Wii, but haven't gotten around to playing it. Sonic Adventure DX is a flawed but serviceable port, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle is also good. Pac-Man World 2 is excellent and underrated. Super Mario Sunshine is another one of those games where I understand why some people have a kneejerk reaction to it--because it has quite a few segments that are absolutely terrible--but I feel the overall game is still very fun.

Super Smash Bros. Melee is another one people will probably recommend the heck out of it, and while it is a game I have a huge amount of nostalgia for (and I'd argue it has the best overall aesthetics, atmosphere, and music of any of the games), it might be difficult to go back to if you've played any of the more recent Smash Bros. games. Soul Calibur II is a good fighting game and the GameCube version has Link, which is a bonus. Wind Waker is good, but I think the Wii U version is probably better. There are some people that vastly prefer the GameCube version of Twilight Princess, so that's worth looking into as well. The GameCube Pokémon RPG games are also fun for what they are, but not a substitute f or the handheld versions, which is ironic since usually it's the other way around.

There's probably more I could list, but those are just the ones off the top of my head. Good luck!
Thanks for the reccomendations! I actually have Luigi's Mansion 3, because I played Dark Moon(2)
but I might try out the first one!
If you can get your hands on a copy of AC:GCN (assuming you don't already own it) then I definitely recommend that! It has a very different feel than the other Animal Crossing games but it's still super fun and really charming and cute!

Also I've only played a bit of Breath of the Wild but I would seriously recommend that too, if money wasn't an issue I would already own the game! From what I've played it's very in-depth and really is a whole-hearted playing experience.
If you like Animal Crossing and other sim games, Rune Factory Frontier for the Wii is a great buy. One of my favourites of the series and system.

Would also second @Seastar ‘s Thousand Year Door recommendation for the GameCube. Origami King looks promising though if you can wait a couple weeks to see the verdict on that.
I've decided I'll get Wild World and Super Mario 64 DS, because DS games aren't that expensive, despite how old they are.
While I would like to get Super Mario Sunshine or Paper Mario, the thousand year door, Gamecube games are pretty expensive
I think going back to CF would be a very jarring change for you especially if you haven't played it. A few people also feel it's inferior to Wild World and in some ways it was, but I did enjoy it when it came out. I really liked the graphics and I do miss the more cartoony style it had in comparison to NL, which at times looked kinda dull and bland imo. I am certainly wearing nostalgia goggles when I talk about it, but it did seem to have an atmosphere that NL lacked, I feel NH did somewhat replicate it though.

I'd say BOTW is your best choice, especially since the sequel might come out this year. It's a really good game and you can pretty much play it how you want, some say it's challenging but if you tackle shrines as soon as you see them and avoid the story (like I did) it's pretty easy. I really couldn't recommend BOTW more and it's still my favorite switch game. Another thing I liked about BOTW is you can literally go anywhere and find something, the world is just full of things to find and do. I liked that about it the most, the fact I was free to do what I felt like I wanted to do. Skyrim is the same but I'm not sure you'd care for that game.

Paper Mario Thousand Year Door, as well as the N64 original are two amazing games. Super Paper Mario is also a pretty decent platformer, series has declined like heck since then though which is honestly tragic for me. I think the thing I miss most about them are the plots and dialogue.