Should I get the underwater theme or wait for something else?


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2014
Pear (Fruit)
I have 400 Leaf tickets that I've collected thus far and I've been thinking of getting the underwater theme for a while - I know that I don't have enough for all the different components as such but I just think the way it makes it seem like your campsite is underwater is super pretty.
I got the three NPC's already - Celeste, KK Slider and Tom Nook an I also think that they add to the campsite so I'm not sure if I should go ahead and purchase the underwater theme or wait for more NPC's or cool things now that the big update is coming up.
I also know that the fortune cookies might require some leaf tickets so I'm not sure if it would be wise to spend all my money. Thoughts?
I bought only the "underwater themed sky", and I do recommend that. Even I don't have any other ocean themed stuff, I think it looks so nice. I can't really say anything about NPCs because I bought none of them and most propably never will.
Not spending leaf tickets is like getting a 100% discount.

But really. Save them.
Free stuff will become less and less available.
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You might want to save some tickets for the upcoming fortune cookie event. I believe they are going to be sort of limited.
I'd save them until the fortune cookies show up! If you don't want them, you can go ahead and get it!
I'd say no, personally the background is average and then the lack of amenities and furniture that can blend in well sucks.
I saw on a spoiler that brewser is coming out next as a NPC so I'm u like him u might want to save them..
I bought only the "underwater themed sky", and I do recommend that. Even I don't have any other ocean themed stuff, I think it looks so nice. I can't really say anything about NPCs because I bought none of them and most propably never will.

I have a few friends who did this and I think I will too. It makes it look like your camp is in a dome under the sea!
If this something that you really want to have then I say you should go for it get them. ^.^ I spent my leaf tickets to try to get the Alice in Wonderland table because I was desperate to have it. Lol.
One of my friends has all the underwater components. It looks awesome! I won't spend the leaf tickets on it, but I do visit him a lot! :)