should i look for fang with nmt or looking for someone who has him?


May 1, 2020
Chocolate Coins
Tasty Cake
New Horizons Token
just as the title states, should i look for fang with nmt, or should i continue looking for someone who has him in boxes? please let me know what you guys think i should do please! ^^
depends on how much you enjoy suffering lol.. Really just go the safe route. You shouldn't NMT hunt unless you have a variety of villagers you'd accept. The chances of stumbling on 1 out of the wide range of villagers available, especially one in a high species count like wolves is just so low it isn't worth it
depends on how much you enjoy suffering lol.. Really just go the safe route. You shouldn't NMT hunt unless you have a variety of villagers you'd accept. The chances of stumbling on 1 out of the wide range of villagers available, especially one in a high species count like wolves is just so low it isn't worth it
thanks! ill continue looking! ^^
You can also try the campsite method to get him, but it requires time travel and you may need to move out a cranky to increase the chances of getting him.
I would also recommend the campsite method too if you're looking for just Fang.
Otherwise consider buying him with NMT, you're more likely going to use less NMT in the end buying him than looking for him.
I agree, it would be cheaper to buy him with NMT almost always (considering the probability of finding him with island hopping).

But if finding him in the wild (or a fresh version) is important to you, follow your heart. Or if you do campsite like you said, good luck!
yeah i agree as well, it's safer to buy him directly through auctions because spending nmt's specifically looking for 1 villager isn't easy.
campsite is easier imo compared to island hopping. both are time consuming, but the campsite method is free.
from my experience with villager trading, it's pretty easy to find good deals on villagers. basically the only villager I'd probably suggest hunting for instead of buying is Raymond (possibly also Judy) because of his ridiculous price tag, for anybody else it's highly unlikely you'd find them even if you used double the average buyout price for that villager (unless you're really lucky of course)

I actually had Fang once, and when I tried to sell him on discord lichrally no one wanted him so I had to end up giving him away for free lol. so he shouldn't be that hard to find
I guess it depends on what you like the most.
If you enjoy the island hopping process then you should go for it, otherwise you should just buy him from someone else.
Neither, the campsite method is superior lol. Tbf though, I've seen a couple of giveaways for him here? He's also gone for a reasonable price in other threads.
i would try either looking for him on here or using the campsite method - your chances of finding him on an island tour are pretty slim aha
I would use the campsite method if you really want him. For many I want and don’t have amiibo for, I sometimes hunt on mystery islands for fun. I usually have a couple of villager choices in mind.