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Should I transfer my data, or start over!?


Senior Member
May 14, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Maybe this is a dumb question, but I'm terrible at making decisions. I am going to be purchasing the new AC:NL 3DS XL bundle on Sunday. I already own a regular 3DS.... I have transferred data recently and wondering if it would be worth the hassle of having to wait until next Wednesday to transfer my data, or just forget it, as I will not have this 3DS after that date. ....if that makes sense.

I don't know... I only have maybe... 4 friends saved on my friend list as of today, and waiting to finish adding friends until Sunday just in case I get a new friend code. Would it be worth the trouble of transferring? Should I just start fresh on my new system..?? What downfalls can you all think of for 'not' transferring? I don't have games downloaded, just free apps like Netflix and Swapnote that I really care about... I can just re-download.

Also.... a question probably run into the ground online about data transfer..... but since I'm already on the topic.. if I do transfer, will the AC:NL pre-downloaded game be erased to where I will have to re-download, or is this not known for sure yet?

Blllaahhhh..... decisions, decisions... any thoughts..??
If you don't have any games downloaded, or many friends added so far (which you could just write their names and FCs down), I probably wouldn't go through the trouble of the transfer. Pretty, new handheld, brand new start! :)

And I can't think of any downfalls, besides having to give your new FC to friends.
I'm in the same boat as you, but I'm not going to bother doing the transfer. The only games I have are Mario Kart and Super Mario 3D Land and there's nothing that I can't do over on the new system.

To answer your question, if you do the system transfer then yes, you will have to re-download the game which will take anywhere from half an hour to an hour. :)
Oh, you both have no idea how helpful you have been to respond. I really appreciate it. I think you're right. You're right, Jamie, the more I say it, starting new with a fresh new system really sounds nice. Maybe it will make the experience all the better.

And thanks for that info, Kate. I thought it would be a long re-download, but wasn't certain. That is really helpful as well. Also glad to hear someone in the same situation.
if you don't transfer, you will lose all of your data from other games. because the game data saves into the 3ds, not the game card.
Let me clarify that.

If you perform a System Transfer, everything from 3DS A will be brought to 3DS B, and 3DS A will get their system memory wiped out. Don't delete anything on the SD Card from 3DS A ; you will be prompted to move the SD Card to 3DS B.
Any game using the game card won't need to be transferred since the saved data is on it. Games and apps downloaded from SD Card will have to be transferred.

If you absolutely need to perform a System Transfer, you could purchase that 3DS XL, and then sell/give your old 3DS later. If you aren't broke, you can do that.
Can I ask, why do you have to wait till Wednesday until you can transfer? Or did I misunderstand?
Like Kate, I don't really mind much if I lose my save data. I don't have a lot of games that I care much about starting over on... and the ones I do are just regular DS games. It sounds more and more like I am answering my own question. But, blah... like I have a lot of streetpasses (mostly as a result of MK7..) and a lot of puzzle pieces... but my husband will be getting a new 3DS soon hopefully, and we will be able to trade those.

I will really want my AC:NL stationary from swapnote... but I'm thinking someone from here could be oh so kind enough to friend me and send me a note!?

So... this may not make complete since... but I'll try and explain best I can. I sold my 3DS to get enough to buy the new one (to an individual, not GameStop... and yes... I am a little tight on dollars right now.. so the sell was kind of necessary.) I had another 3DS, so I transferred my data in expectations to transfer from that one to the new one on Sunday. I didn't realize the transfers have 7 day wait periods. This is why I have to wait until Wednesday, because I did the transfer on Wednesday.

But the more I think about it... the more of a hassle it sounds. It is a little thing, but I really don't want to re-download the game... but I will if it all comes down to it of course. .....and what if I do play AC:NL for 3 days... and then transfer my old data to the new one? If it deletes AC:NL, the save file will remain, or will it be erased along with the "everything" that is wiped from the transfer? Sorry to sound dumb..... Really appreciate your replies. ^_^'
I know how you feel. I have an ambassador 3DS and can't decide if I should keep it that way or transfer the certificate to my bundle. I'll still be using both too, 3DS for traveling and XL for home. Argh, decisions!