Siblings and Animal Crossing


The deftest potato peeler
Project Staff
Dec 27, 2008
Red Envelope
Rebel Gnome
Aurora Sky
Crescent Moon Glow Wand
Star Glow Wand
Heart Glow Wand
Flower Glow Wand
Blue Mote of Flame
Orange Mote of Flame
Thunder Flame
I tell ya, having another person in your Animal Crossing Town is a pain @_@ they kill all the grass, buy everything, and don't even bother to let me catalog it :( What's your oppinion on this?
Master Crash said:
I tell ya, having another person in your Animal Crossing Town is a pain @_@ they kill all the grass, buy everything, and don't even bother to let me catalog it :( What's your oppinion on this?
Kill em. 0-0
Ya, that'd tick me off.
Yea, my whole family plays it >.>, I would have tons of stuff, but I play liek only 2 times a day :'(
#Garrett said:
Get another wii system thats what me and my sister did :D
Wow o.o

I don't let anyone else play my Animal Crossing game unless I give them oral permission to. Otherwise, they know the consequences =P
yea this is same with my brother and me he always wants to go on but he never does anything hes just runs around when i could be doing stuff
LegoPirate said:
yea this is same with my brother and me he always wants to go on but he never does anything hes just runs around when i could be doing stuff
Sounds annoying.

And you could be......scamming?

I just have my older brother.
Thats it. He never goes on on AC. Hes plays his own wii. When he does he alwas hacks games and stuff. and even when he ahs his hacked items he never gives em to me.
Before she got her own ds, she always used my ww game. It was a pain. She would change the house, toss and sell my items. I hated that. But then she got her own ds and game. But she plays on my cf also...
muppetman said:
thankfully my sibling dont play it, although it would be nice to have some1 to chat to about it :)
Which is exactly why we have an awesome community like this ^.^
Meh I have a sister whos plays once in a while. She actually buys all the flowers and plants them in certain areas so she actually helps me with my town. My sister, who some of you might know as Autumn, really doesn't cause me any problems because she knows the Wii system is mine and is also my game and town. If she sees in item in nooks or sables, she normally buys and then mails it to me... So I have an awesome sister.... my brother. He is moved out and married so I don't have to worry about that haha.
No one else plays in my family of 5.. thank god.
And my Wii is in my room, so that's another factor.
VantagE said:
Meh I have a sister whos plays once in a while. She actually buys all the flowers and plants them in certain areas so she actually helps me with my town. My sister, who some of you might know as Autumn, really doesn't cause me any problems because she knows the Wii system is mine and is also my game and town. If she sees in item in nooks or sables, she normally buys and then mails it to me... So I have an awesome sister.... my brother. He is moved out and married so I don't have to worry about that haha.
Awh, you have a kind and helpful sister ^_^
Mickey said:
VantagE said:
Meh I have a sister whos plays once in a while. She actually buys all the flowers and plants them in certain areas so she actually helps me with my town. My sister, who some of you might know as Autumn, really doesn't cause me any problems because she knows the Wii system is mine and is also my game and town. If she sees in item in nooks or sables, she normally buys and then mails it to me... So I have an awesome sister.... my brother. He is moved out and married so I don't have to worry about that haha.
Awh, you have a kind and helpful sister ^_^
Haha yes, yes I do. And surprisingly, when we both much younger we did not get along very well. So we have changed quite a bit over the years xD
Kolvo said:
No one else plays in my family of 5.. thank god.
And my Wii is in my room, so that's another factor.
The Wii stays in my room during the week but has to leave it during the Weekend because my father likes to play xD
VantagE said:
Mickey said:
VantagE said:
Meh I have a sister whos plays once in a while. She actually buys all the flowers and plants them in certain areas so she actually helps me with my town. My sister, who some of you might know as Autumn, really doesn't cause me any problems because she knows the Wii system is mine and is also my game and town. If she sees in item in nooks or sables, she normally buys and then mails it to me... So I have an awesome sister.... my brother. He is moved out and married so I don't have to worry about that haha.
Awh, you have a kind and helpful sister ^_^
Haha yes, yes I do. And surprisingly, when we both much younger we did not get along very well. So we have changed quite a bit over the years xD
Sorry for the double-post.

That's cool. My siblings are...well...themselves.