Commissioning Sidewalk pieces to better match my road. :>


Fauxtectual / Mortymer
Mar 23, 2020
Chocolate Coins
Oarfish Head
100% (34) +
Hello ! So, I am struggling to make sidewalk tiles that I like. ): My road I'm very happy with, but everything I seem to do with the sidewalk is like ... eehhhh ...

[ my current road and sidewalk; the sidewalk doesn't really seem too Right to me ... dirt path is by creator code 8813 1351 3663, and it is very pretty !! ]

What I'm hoping for specifically:
Someone who will give me the grid and colors used so that I may replicate the pattern on my own, as I would like to be able to add little chalk drawings and such, customized to the villagers I obtain along the way! So, I'd like to have easy edit access to these. ( I will still credit you if anyone asks where I got those specific tiles and you can also upload them for everyone's use! )

I will give you the grid and color pattern to one of the bordered asphalt pieces so you can use the colors of the step up curb, since I've found myself having a time trying to blend it in a good way on a full - sized grid. Basically, what I'd like is just a block similar to above, but I can't seem to get the detailing and colors to work out like I want, and they look a bit odd on the bottom to me, especially with my highlighting I used here hgj.
Price is entirely negotiable, just let me know what you'd be looking for!