I just joined this place and noticed a lot of you had a bunch of fancy signatures. I used to be a graphics designer a bunch of years back and seeing this stuff just makes me want to get back into it, haha.
So, well I just thought of starting to take up any signature or graphics requests from you people to brush up my skills. It's mostly just volunteer work, really, so if you have anything you want to be made, feel free to hit me up! :')
I use Adobe Photoshop CS6 13.0.1 for all my work, just in case anyone was wondering ^^
I just joined this place and noticed a lot of you had a bunch of fancy signatures. I used to be a graphics designer a bunch of years back and seeing this stuff just makes me want to get back into it, haha.
So, well I just thought of starting to take up any signature or graphics requests from you people to brush up my skills. It's mostly just volunteer work, really, so if you have anything you want to be made, feel free to hit me up! :')
I use Adobe Photoshop CS6 13.0.1 for all my work, just in case anyone was wondering ^^