May 31, 2014 #1 CaliNewLeaf Fauna ♡ Joined May 6, 2014 Posts 828 Bells 211 How do you make a signature where you click on a button and it leads to the site?
May 31, 2014 #2 Trent the Paladin Lv 29 Nerd Retired Staff Joined Nov 7, 2006 Posts 17,519 Bells 0 To get a sig to lead to another website, simply do the usual thing for linking URLs but instead of text, replace it with the [ img]image[ /image]. Code: [url= "website"][img]image[/img][ /url] Last edited: May 31, 2014
To get a sig to lead to another website, simply do the usual thing for linking URLs but instead of text, replace it with the [ img]image[ /image]. Code: [url= "website"][img]image[/img][ /url]