Signature Help?


Beth from Storrs
Feb 19, 2015
Classic Easter Egg
Hello there~ As you can see, my signature image is very small.
It's 431x229, but I have it sized to under 253KB so by the guidelines it shouldn't be too big, right? Anyone know if/how I can make it look the size it's supposed to be? x)
I tried my best to resize it...I had to edit the image a bit since it was a bit blurry. It's not the best though :c

Aw. ): But thank you! What did you do to resize it?

I used an online image resizer and resized it to 500x225. I went on a photoshop app and edited it to make it more clear.
Hm, okay. I used an online resizer to reduce the KB size but retain the pixel size. It's all fine on my computer, so I think the problem is when I upload.
are you uploading with the forum uploader? if so, upload it somewhere like imgur or photobucket and put the direct code between
are you uploading with the forum uploader? if so, upload it somewhere like imgur or photobucket and put the direct code between tags in your signature. theres a signature guide if you need more help.[/QUOTE]

I don't think so. The limit on the height is 150px.

As for the OP, the file size shouldn't matter when you're using a third-party site since vB isn't hosting it.
I don't think so. The limit on the height is 150px.

As for the OP, the file size shouldn't matter when you're using a third-party site since vB isn't hosting it.

oh, right. so op, youre going to hav to edit the signature to make it fit
Yeah, I tried uploading it to tinypic and then putting it in and that didn't work either. Guess I'm going to have to start over from scratch again. x) Oh well. Thanks guys!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Actually, nevermind. Totally got it. B) I hadn't used the IMG tag the first time, just uploaded it from tinypic. Thanks for the help!
I think it looks fine now. It's higher than 150, yes, but I used the size of a lot of banners I've seen.