Slifer Slacker

Senior Member
Mar 13, 2011
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well i have made 3 threads of someone that can make me a signature and no replys, someone out there can and good and getting paid 300 bells

this will include

- buizel using ice punch in the middle
-a good looking background like water/ice based background, any render i suppose, (i dont know much about this stuff)
- i will pay 300 for a good one and 200 for an alright one

please reply.
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Maybe the reason nobody's making you a signature is because your design idea is ridiculous.
Pokemon Trainer Ethan - This is reasonable.

Name in the bottom right corner - too specific, it would require designing the signature around that to get the flow right without the text looking out of place and taking away from the focal point, which is impossible as you requested Ethan on the left side.

Renders & backgrounds - Firstly, a render is what pokemon trainer ethan would be. As for background, "a cool, effective scenery with good graphics" is very imprecise and doesn't explain much about what you want... A scenery? Does that mean you want an image of woodland or something? Good graphics? You mean you want it sharpened? Cool? Do you mean you want it cold colours like blues or do you mean the generic term for "cool" as in "good looking".

Every single badge - you REALLY think this is a good design idea? The signature would be flooded with little specs, completely covering the background and taking away from the flow and design of the signature.
if i drop the badges and yeah i mean good looking, scenery means like fire lights or water bubles or something.. then what kind of idea would that be? i'll have you know im only 14 and im not an internet nerd. like other people. (not you)
if i drop the badges and yeah i mean good looking, scenery means like fire lights or water bubles or something.. then what kind of idea would that be? i'll have you know im only 14 and im not an internet nerd. like other people. (not you)

You have a firm grip on that stick.. shame it's the wrong bloody end.
Graphic design does not translate as "internet nerd". We have quite a few great artists here, not all nerds. So maybe you need to rethink how you word things, better yet how you view things.
My eyes brim over with tears, my heart black </3

My name is Jamie and I'm an internet Nerd.
itt: internet signatures as an art form.

get gimp, learn to manipulate layers and drag and drop, google the badges, you're done. bam.
You have a firm grip on that stick.. shame it's the wrong bloody end.
Graphic design does not translate as "internet nerd". We have quite a few great artists here, not all nerds. So maybe you need to rethink how you word things, better yet how you view things.

ok then, i misused a couple of words, im just desperate for a good signature.

im not asking to get in a fight with anyone, since this is a peacefull website, all i'm asking is for a signature with the things i asked for, note : i modified it earlier up.

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if i drop the badges and yeah i mean good looking, scenery means like fire lights or water bubles or something.. then what kind of idea would that be? i'll have you know im only 14 and im not an internet nerd. like other people. (not you)

Oh damn, I forgot I was going to do it for you. But I agree with Jason, When you said Badges I though, Cheap basic signature. Anyway lol at Internet Nerd = Graphics Artist. Creativity = Nerdy? Hm, That's a new theory.
Oh damn, I forgot I was going to do it for you. But I agree with Jason, When you said Badges I though, Cheap basic signature. Anyway lol at Internet Nerd = Graphics Artist. Creativity = Nerdy? Hm, That's a new theory.

yeah nevermind that, are you doing it then? but with the features on first post?
Here you go, Please credit me.

The thing I'm worrying about is the text and the border, I suck with text but if you don't like it please tell me so I can change it to whatever colour/color and/or font you want it to be. As for the border, Tell me if I should remove it or change it to another style.

Here you go, Please credit me.

The thing I'm worrying about is the text and the border, I suck with text but if you don't like it please tell me so I can change it to whatever colour/color and/or font you want it to be. As for the border, Tell me if I should remove it or change it to another style.


Josh, that is really good, i would like the font text outlined by an icy blue colour and the border in a icy blue colour also, that would be great and i will pay for ir 300 bells :) + could you change that brown-ish bit to a brighter colour?
I'm in the same timezone as you :p

Anyway quickly done it, Not big ting.

Shame he made you ruin it, it looked pretty decent before you added that awful blue on the text/border and that horrid yellow.