currently scrollin myspace ;P
all signatures are name your price!!~
style you would like/shape of signature:
town(s) name:
mayor(s) name:
villagers (if included):
FC (if included):
DA (if included)
main colors/theme of your sig:
background colour or link to image:
font/text effects/style(get fonts from 1000 fonts):
other info:
native fruit (if included):
animated: yes/no
offer in TBT or IGB:
style you would like/shape of signature:
town(s) name:
mayor(s) name:
villagers (if included):
FC (if included):
DA (if included)
main colors/theme of your sig:
background colour or link to image:
font/text effects/style(get fonts from 1000 fonts):
other info:
native fruit (if included):
animated: yes/no
offer in TBT or IGB:
if you are having a hard time figuring out how to make it your signature just pm me
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