Silly Villager Moments...


Senior Member
Apr 1, 2016
So just now, Bangle wanted me to help get her a pear and this is what happened:

Bangle: !!!
Me: Yeeeeeees
Bangle: Hey, can you get me a Pear!
Me: Sure! *Goes to get Pear*

-On my way back, Gala pings me as well-
Gala: Can you bring this gift to Bangle?!
Me: Yes!

-Goes to Bangle-
Me: Here is your Pear!
Bangle: Yaaay *eats it* Yum!
Me: Also, here is your gift from Gala!

-after trying it on and me saying it was ew, and taking it off-
Bangle: Thanks for getting this to me... HERE'S A PEAR.
Me: ...

I don't understand why she wanted me to get her a Pear, and then... SHE ALREADY HAD ONE. :C Lmao it was pretty funny though. What about you guys? Anyone else want to share their weird/funny moments with their own villagers? xD
Oh my goodness, that's hilarious! xD
I remember that Gaston wanted me to return something to Pompom that she left at his house. So I do the errand, and... she opens the package and says... "It's my refrigerator! And what? You said I left this at Gaston's house? I NEVER noticed!" HOW DO YOU LEAVE A REFRIGERATOR AT SOMEONE'S HOUSE???? xDDD Animal Crossing logic for you. :p
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Oh my goodness, that's hilarious! xD
I remember that Gaston wanted me to return something to Pompom that she left at his house. So I do the errand, and... she opens the package and says... "It's my refrigerator! And what? You said I left this at Gaston's house? I NEVER noticed!" HOW DO YOU LEAVE A REFRIGERATOR AT SOMEONE'S HOUSE???? xDDD Animal Crossing logic for you. :p

LOL wow that's great xD yep yep Animal Crossing logic is best logic
Well this wasn't THAT funny but I once laughed a bit because tangy asked me to get her any fruit, so I got her an orange (cruel right) and she gave me a cherry in return. if you needed fruit, you already had some M
Nooo Tangy, she's eating one of her own xD yeah I don't understand why villagers do this to us
I went into Poncho's house the other day and he had an IV drip next to an arcade machine.... I was like, maybe you need to lay of the vidja games Ponch
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Just now I left my game as idle and Robin and Willow were talking. After their convo finished they singing and happy. A few min later they talked again and Robin was sad and Willow was mad. Then a while later they did it again and were happy again! It just made me lol. What a complicated relationship :p
Haha, I saw Ribbot asking Elmer to time how long he can hold his breath.

Ribbot starts and then struggles, so he stopped. He asked Elmer: how many seconds was that.

Elmer the says: what seconds? I was thinking of what to have for lunch.

Haha, cracks me up. Ribbot was so mad. Hahah
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How about THAT ONE TIME when Molly walked into a pitfall trap without assistance... xD

Today Savannah had me give something to Hamlet. It turned out to be an Imperial shirt, which Hamlet immediately changed into. After chuckling at that sight for a moment (Hamlet in an Imperial shirt is hilarious, adorable, and slightly frightening) Hamlet gave me my return gift. Which was. An Imperial shirt.

Hamlet is the Red Menace, y'all.