since wi-fi is down...


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2008
nintendo wants a sacrifice! >_<

Who do you think should go?

Nooky already died.

and choosing "none" means no wi-fi forever.
Nooky already died? Good. I choose.....nobody actually. All of these people are nice and decent individuals.
Stardust said:
bdubs2594 said:
Nooky already died? Good. I choose.....nobody actually. All of these people are nice and decent individuals.
cough vote for you cough
Can my name be one of the options? Please put it up there!
I am voting for myself.
I choose nobody since all of them are friendly people that never have been rude to me.
I chose bdubs. That guy is such an ass right?
ROFL....i see that 2 other people voted for me also....I will hunt you down :mad:
But seriously, I voted for bdubs.....normally I would vote for nooky.
There is one person on that list that I choose because they always acuse me of stealing and are very rude, but, im not gonna say any names..........
Nooky is beatin me in the polls :O
C'mon people! You have to help me win. Where is tails1428? He thinks I'm an ass....I gotta go find him and tell him to vote for me......