I think It?s best for me to start out with $5 commissions waist-up, so I get a better feel for this.
✔ Paypal calculator (especially if you are from a different country, fees may vary)
▌I?m opening up with 4 spots! (may put in extra slots if more are interested/once I?m done with the current)
◆ - gamzee
◆ - shirohibiki
◆ - pokemanz
◆ -
Here is a simple order form:
- Price may go up due to complexity of character
- I will NOT draw: gore/nsfw/mechs/
- paypal @ patonkie@hotmail.com
- send me an message if you?re interested
- full payment to be received after confirmation of commission, or I won?t start it.
- something you may need to know about: [x]
✔ Paypal calculator (especially if you are from a different country, fees may vary)
▌I?m opening up with 4 spots! (may put in extra slots if more are interested/once I?m done with the current)
◆ - gamzee
◆ - shirohibiki
◆ - pokemanz
◆ -
Here is a simple order form:
- Reference: (Image/Gallery of what you want drawn.)
- Extra: (Anything specific like pose/expression/etc.)
- Your Paypal: (so I know it?s your money)
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