🎨 skar's creative dump (currently in ARTFIGHT!!!)


˚₊‧ eyes on me ‧₊˚
Aug 23, 2015
Arcade Scenery
Arcade Scenery
Arcade Scenery
Arcade Scenery
Night Sky Scenery
Heart Glow Wand
Planet Glow Wand
Heart Glow Wand
Night Sky Scenery
me: i dont know anything about astrology
also me: as a leo moon i have like bursts of creativity

yes hello this is my creative dump where i will be sharing both my art and my writing!! (used to be a writing dump but i kinda wanna share my art too without making a separate post). some of it has my writing and sketchy brainrots and the others will be from commissions or other requests that I do. :]

I'll probably update this first post whenever I'll ask for help! <33 because criticism and comments (especially for my writing hhhhhh) are very appreciated!!
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spoilered in case it's unwelcome advice or you don't want me cluttering up your thread.
ironically, i struggle to write endings as well not because i don't know how to but because i usually never reach them lmao. if you're only writing drabbles/ficlets, i don't think it really matters. i personally just end them when it feels right. sometimes it's with dialogue, usually it isn't. i didn't think i had a... pattern for doing it, and i don't consciously, but scrolling through some of my ending lines, i'm realizing i tend to end the piece just as the characters are about to do something else. for example, one of my fics ends as they're about to leave the house to go somewhere. another ends as they're about to go lay flowers on a random grave. another ends with A leaving and B about to make an escape. (i can give actual sentence examples, if you want? i don't know if that would help lol.) i guess it makes sense, because that feels like where a chapter would break in a multi-chapter story since the next chapter would be about the next action or whatever follows it.

as for full, like, 15k length stories, i've no idea. i got 20k words into my most recent book a few years back but stopped because i ran out of steam lmao. (i am not a long-form person anymore apparently.) that being said, i actually did write the ending paragraph/lines, but it wasn't something i thought hard about, it just came to me randomly, i wrote it down and then tidied it up. i think it helps if you know where you're story is going to end. (which can also be said for drabbles/ficlets, to be fair.) if you were curious, or maybe just in case it helps, it was going to be this or at least something akin to it. (bit garbage though because it's from almost 2 years ago apparently, rip.)
She wasn’t recovered completely. Her dreams were still filled with flashes of ‘Face your fear, Detective Harvey’, disembodied eyes and Lisa’s blood all over her hands. Every new murder case continued to instill a brief sense of fear in her, and she hesitated on her doorstep every time she went home even if she wasn’t alone. She had hope, however, that it wouldn’t be that way forever.

The Lakewood Terror, after all, hadn’t been the first criminal to threaten her, and Claire knew he probably wouldn’t be the last. She was quiet and small and looked as though she belonged in almost any other profession than this one. People always thought she was an easy target and that she’d buckle under their intimidation or cower away, but she never did.

Never had.

Never would.
the chapters i did manage to write ended similarly to my fics -- when the characters were about to do something else or when their current objective had concluded. for example, chapter one ended when they were about to walk home. three ended with A being dropped off at home. four actually ended in a dialogue tag with a character announcing something. five ended as they were returning to a crime scene after questioning a witness. you probably get the idea lol.
spoilered in case it's unwelcome advice or you don't want me cluttering up your thread.
ironically, i struggle to write endings as well not because i don't know how to but because i usually never reach them lmao. if you're only writing drabbles/ficlets, i don't think it really matters. i personally just end them when it feels right. sometimes it's with dialogue, usually it isn't. i didn't think i had a... pattern for doing it, and i don't consciously, but scrolling through some of my ending lines, i'm realizing i tend to end the piece just as the characters are about to do something else. for example, one of my fics ends as they're about to leave the house to go somewhere. another ends as they're about to go lay flowers on a random grave. another ends with A leaving and B about to make an escape. (i can give actual sentence examples, if you want? i don't know if that would help lol.) i guess it makes sense, because that feels like where a chapter would break in a multi-chapter story since the next chapter would be about the next action or whatever follows it.

as for full, like, 15k length stories, i've no idea. i got 20k words into my most recent book a few years back but stopped because i ran out of steam lmao. (i am not a long-form person anymore apparently.) that being said, i actually did write the ending paragraph/lines, but it wasn't something i thought hard about, it just came to me randomly, i wrote it down and then tidied it up. i think it helps if you know where you're story is going to end. (which can also be said for drabbles/ficlets, to be fair.) if you were curious, or maybe just in case it helps, it was going to be this or at least something akin to it. (bit garbage though because it's from almost 2 years ago apparently, rip.)
She wasn’t recovered completely. Her dreams were still filled with flashes of ‘Face your fear, Detective Harvey’, disembodied eyes and Lisa’s blood all over her hands. Every new murder case continued to instill a brief sense of fear in her, and she hesitated on her doorstep every time she went home even if she wasn’t alone. She had hope, however, that it wouldn’t be that way forever.

The Lakewood Terror, after all, hadn’t been the first criminal to threaten her, and Claire knew he probably wouldn’t be the last. She was quiet and small and looked as though she belonged in almost any other profession than this one. People always thought she was an easy target and that she’d buckle under their intimidation or cower away, but she never did.

Never had.

Never would.
the chapters i did manage to write ended similarly to my fics -- when the characters were about to do something else or when their current objective had concluded. for example, chapter one ended when they were about to walk home. three ended with A being dropped off at home. four actually ended in a dialogue tag with a character announcing something. five ended as they were returning to a crime scene after questioning a witness. you probably get the idea lol.
Thanks for the reply, any comment is appreciated as I want to become a good writer! It's actually really good insight on how to close something. I have less of a problem with closing chapters than I have with closing the actual story. It's always like I have a beginning, I have a climax, I have a falling action... but I get stumped with how to actually end them. It's always been like that when I plan to write long stories. I remember in my old writing classes, my number 1 problem would be that I end things too fast, or too awkwardly, because I don't know how to tidy things up neatly. (Maybe it's also a problem with me not being used to actually reading endings LOL I have a bad habit of dropping a story I read after some sort of resolution, or when I'm satisfied, without seeing how the writer actually tidies everything else up).

Regardless, the comment and example you sent gave me some idea of how to end something, so thank you! I feel right now it's a problem with me trying to fill in the holes in my story. Hopefully some good narration will come to me once I start thinking about the ending. I only have some sort of sense of how I want this fic to go, like the skeleton and stuff, but I don't know how I'm arriving from one point to another. Will have to mull things over more.
Thanks for the reply, any comment is appreciated as I want to become a good writer! It's actually really good insight on how to close something. I have less of a problem with closing chapters than I have with closing the actual story. It's always like I have a beginning, I have a climax, I have a falling action... but I get stumped with how to actually end them. It's always been like that when I plan to write long stories. I remember in my old writing classes, my number 1 problem would be that I end things too fast, or too awkwardly, because I don't know how to tidy things up neatly. (Maybe it's also a problem with me not being used to actually reading endings LOL I have a bad habit of dropping a story I read after some sort of resolution, or when I'm satisfied, without seeing how the writer actually tidies everything else up).

Regardless, the comment and example you sent gave me some idea of how to end something, so thank you! I feel right now it's a problem with me trying to fill in the holes in my story. Hopefully some good narration will come to me once I start thinking about the ending. I only have some sort of sense of how I want this fic to go, like the skeleton and stuff, but I don't know how I'm arriving from one point to another. Will have to mull things over more.

hm, well if you need any help, you're free to DM me! i'm not going to go out and say i'm a good writer by any means, because i feel like that can be subjective based on who's reading, but i have been writing since i was little, and my work in recent years has definitely been my best. (maybe practice does make perfect lol.) i tend to write very descriptively since i write in omniscient third, so narration is usually my strength if we're thinking of the same thing. you could always tell me your ideas, where you want the fic to go, or what points A and B are, and i could give a hand or throw out some examples idk.
I'm going to jot down my ideas real quick because I sure as hell am going to forget. I have started to write so close to the ending and started with the MC's backstory (which should be placed in the latter parts because it pretty much leads to the ending). Wow okay here I go. I'll edit this post with more of my ideas soon. Also my brain is SCATTERED

(to probably no one's surprise, this is a genshin fanfic because i am having the brainrots. i love the characters [you can probably guess the ship from the notes below, idk i love them]. hurt/angst/slow burn VERY SLOW BURN/they probably kiss but it'll only be once maybe because i hate it when the kisses become more frequent and suddenly it's not very cute anymore/strangers to enemies to comfort people to lovers i will die with this trope)

Something something very puppet-themed. They're both puppets. Snip snip cutting the strings symbolism throughout the story wow I gotta think of another symbolism huh.
Tarot card reading: Reversed The Emperor, reversed The High Priestess, Upright Death.
Has no idea what the cards mean though, and her old hag tells her it's not advisable to read your own tarot cards. Does the old hag see the cards??? Maybe. OH or after pulling the first two cards, the old hag could swipe the cards off of the hands of the girl. The cards get snatched from her hands save for one, which when she flips, happens to be the Death card. The old hag doesn't see it though. BRILLIANT
There are strings on cards and the box. She will cut them because she has the instinct to cut string and not remove them. Symbolism??? Yes.
Letter. I need a symbol for the letter. I will think.

tarot card sauce so i can look back at it: https://labyrinthos.co/blogs/tarot-card-meanings-list
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A question frequently asked by the lesser knowledgeable to the astrologist is this: do you read your own fortune?
To the dismay of many, Mona's answer would have to be a shake of the head.
Then a following inquiry:

Why not?

She had probably been nine years old during the incident, the first and only occurrence. An accident, if there was a better term for it, because that's all it was. However, repentance would not change one's fate inscribed in the stars, and if anything, it had been both a blessing and a curse in disguise. From that moment, the calmness of her sea in which she viewed the stars brewed a storm overnight, the turbulent ripples sullying the reflection of her constellation.

Sat on the concrete floor of their cottage, the little astrologist sat kneeling, shuffling a deck of bottom-up cards in between palms. Quite apparently new was she with the deck as some number of cards fall to her lap, picking them back up without flipping them upside before inserting them in the middle of the stack. She had seen her old hag do it on a many occasions before, enticing wandering travelers to worried spouses to returning believers, all of whom hold the hope of receiving clarity on their current situations. Mona, for the nine-year-old life of her, couldn't think of any good reason for her to play with the cards other than because she was curious.

Finally satisfied with her (rather poor) shuffling, she set the deck down comfortably before spreading them in a linear fashion in front of her knees. Naturally, her old hag then had the customer choose three cards, but because Mona herself was her only playmate in the area, she figured it would be fine if she was doing it for herself. No harm perhaps in pulling her own strings, right?

She separated the three cards from the row, sliding them just above the pack. From there, she would read the cards from left to right.

Her heart slowly upping its pace from the suspense of her fortune, she glided her hand to flip the first card, revealing a card with its upside down. Rotating the card to its right side up, she saw a man of old age, flowing white hair grazing his chin and head. A crown sat atop with him sitting atop a beautiful chair of ram heads chiseled in. Underneath the steel of his feet read the words 'The Emperor'.

The astrologist, perplexed at the sight of the design, flipped the card backside to front, scanning for any other description of the card. For all the times she saw her old hag do readings, Mona never actually saw the cards in their greater details and simply assumed there would be some sort of explanation printed on the cards. It wasn't beyond the old hag for Mona to assume that the former had memorized what each card symbolized, but it was an additional step for the little astrologist to find which booklet these cards came with. It was already hard enough as is sneaking in the old hag's room to get a glimpse and feel of the beloved tarot cards.

(wait i got really tired im coming back to this in a bit)
resurfacing this thread because i remembered i had an old thread dump
wee woo first day in artfight ;w; done 3 attacks so far (well more like 2.5, one of them was a dumb lil sketch LOL) and im happpyyyy


Vallie for revngeance


Arson for crabjail (the character is 100% that. just a silly stick cat)


Whale for Lighteren

super happy with how they turned out, esp. whale!! first time doing underwater stuff and wowee it did not turn out as bad as i thought it would!! thank you twitter tutorials 🫡