Giveaway Skye is moving!

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Senior Member
Oct 6, 2013
100% (36) +

Hey everyone! Skye the normal wolf is moving today, and I would love for her to move to a nice new home :) gonna miss her, but a new dreamie wants to move in, so I need the room. I know she's pretty popular with a lot of players, so I'm sure someone will take her :)
OH PLEASE! Can I take her if I only have 7 in my new town?

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I will add you just in case!
YAY! She's yours :) adding you :) Yes the maximum number of villagers you can have is 10, so you have room for 3 more, well make that 2 now that you're getting Skye.
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Let me restart, because it isn't auto adding you. I would like to pay you a tip, but my mayor is very poor right now. I will give you a little present. :)
Dang, I know what's wrong! I'm on another machine! My friend code is: 5129-1688-5267

I'm so embarrassed! :O

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The town on the friend code at left has a full ten. Sorry for the confusion. /star dropping Shrunk emotion
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On my way!

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Didn't have a chance to give you my golden man, but thanks! :D
Glad you adopted her, sorry had to kick you out so quick, had to exit to get a dreamie right away. Thanks so much :)
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