Looking For Skye, the Normal Wolf!

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Bell Tree Forum's Resident Hybrid Addict
Apr 11, 2015
Black Famous Mushroom
Black Famous Mushroom
Toy Hammer
100% (40) +
Just created my latest town and by my silly traditions, my first villager always has to be Skye. So I'm looking for Skye! I am offering 25 TBT for her.

Original Skye only, please!

Please send me a Private Message. Please be aware that I am currently slightly busy in real life as of posting this and I am also prepping my town for villager move ins, so I may be a bit slow to respond to your message.
Okay, I'm a little less busy in real life and my town's all prepped for villager move-ins. May still be a little slow to reply, but at least I'm ready! Please private message me if you have an original Skye ready for adoption! I will be looking all night.
Still looking! Not sure how long I will be awake for, though..
Sorry for taking so long... I'm ready now, but when you get into my town, please follow my character.

No problem! Gave me time to finish my food. :b

EDIT: Skye has been found! Closing the thread so it can vanish!
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