Anyone want him? He's a nice villager and one of the cooler looking jocks, I think. Would like to TT to his moving date so he can be picked up tonight.
I'd like him but I'm at 10 and currently trying to TT a villager out. If you'd be wiling to wait I could offer you some gold roses and some bells. I understand if you want to get rid of him if you are cycling. Thanks
I actually just realized a few minutes ago that I have a camper moving in in 2 days, so I'd need time to reset her plot into a good location anyway. Wouldn't want to TT to Sly's moving date and then get stuck with her house messing up my path or flowers. That gives you some time to make room.
So on the 31st I will probably be looking to TT him to his moving date (the next day). I could TT to the other villager's "plot" date and start resetting now, but I like to be on the correct date as much as possible, and this will give you some time to make room anyway.
I just got the alert for one of my villagers that I want to move to move. I'll TT her out pretty soon. If you end up wanting to move him earlier I'd be able to take him. Thank you for being so understanding.
Sure. I don't see Sly offered that much and I know some people want him, so I don't want him to go to the void. Come to think of it, I'll be out of town on the 31st, so I prolly should just TT him out once I have my other villager set. I'm going to go ahead and work on doing that now, and then hopefully tomorrow I'll be ready to TT to Sly's moving date for you, if that works for you.