In my free time today,I decided to make a "wifi club" in this club we basically play
fun games in AC:CF on yeah... Our spots for next week are already full so, try again next time! i have came up with an all new wifi game!
I was wondering of anybody wanted to play it with me. Before you ask about the rules,
I will post them now:
This week's Game: Battlefront!
The playing field
Well, theres not really a playing field, because the whole town is used for the game.
But if your look over the town you will see:
-Three "check points" or squares made from black patterns.
-Pitfalls scattered around town.
-Two teams of two. One team is the "apple team" the other is the "Cherry team"
- Junk pile located at the gate
How to play
Now, to play, each team is equipped with a shovel*, 10 fruits of there team, and pitfalls*
Once the starting call is heard, the players will strive to put/drop
all of their fruits into the checkpoints explained in the last section.
You MAY take the other team's fruit out, BUT YOU MUST Take it and drop it at the
junk pile located at the gate. Players from the opposite team can take only THEIR OWN
fruits from the junk pile, and continue with their game. To take over a check point, you need to have a majority of fruit in that check point, for example, in a checkpoint with 3 spaces for fruits, there are 2 apples and 1 cherry. The apples win because there are more of that fruit in the checkpoint. At the end of 5 minutes, whoever has the most checkpoints win.
- Using pitfalls to surround checkpoints.
-digging holes to surround checkpoints.
* = Optional
I know its alot :]. Does anybody wanna try it out?
fun games in AC:CF on yeah... Our spots for next week are already full so, try again next time! i have came up with an all new wifi game!
I was wondering of anybody wanted to play it with me. Before you ask about the rules,
I will post them now:
This week's Game: Battlefront!
The playing field
Well, theres not really a playing field, because the whole town is used for the game.
But if your look over the town you will see:
-Three "check points" or squares made from black patterns.
-Pitfalls scattered around town.
-Two teams of two. One team is the "apple team" the other is the "Cherry team"
- Junk pile located at the gate
How to play
Now, to play, each team is equipped with a shovel*, 10 fruits of there team, and pitfalls*
Once the starting call is heard, the players will strive to put/drop
all of their fruits into the checkpoints explained in the last section.
You MAY take the other team's fruit out, BUT YOU MUST Take it and drop it at the
junk pile located at the gate. Players from the opposite team can take only THEIR OWN
fruits from the junk pile, and continue with their game. To take over a check point, you need to have a majority of fruit in that check point, for example, in a checkpoint with 3 spaces for fruits, there are 2 apples and 1 cherry. The apples win because there are more of that fruit in the checkpoint. At the end of 5 minutes, whoever has the most checkpoints win.
- Using pitfalls to surround checkpoints.
-digging holes to surround checkpoints.
* = Optional
I know its alot :]. Does anybody wanna try it out?