Smashville night


Senior Member
Dec 30, 2005
Yellow Candy
O.K. tonite we're gonna party up for fights in Smashville because K.K. Slider will be playing at this special time. It will go on for however long people will stay.

[quote="Shadow_] Wish I could, my brother hijacked my TV. [/quote]
Hijack something of his.

I'm in.

I'm getting on at 7:55, so that we can get into a battle for when K.K. arrives.

And I think I have everybody here's FC.
Crap, lost track of time... Start the first match without me.

I'm on.

Who's game are we using?
Hmm I suppose I'll come and play a little bit later seeing as I've never brawled with friends before. Hopefully all of you guys got my FC I added all who were on the list so yeah
I'm done with Brawl for the night


DF and John ( TheGremp maybe... I forget who's John) tried to get into the game but it didn't work for some reason.)

Anyway, we both constantly picked Smashville, but KK was only there sometimes. Maybe since he's in an earlier timezone, when it went to his it didn't do it. But it was like 8:30 for him....
Super_Naruto said:
JJH0369 said:
I'm John.
Oh, yeah, for some reason no one could join, I think Storm wasn't letting you guys in because I kept pressing Accept or Join and then you guys wouldn't join.
No... I hit accept