Senior Member
Ok two people have asked me to make this a group and i have it is called the smiley events group
ok so here is our members
1.LucyPrettySkye P
2. angie VP
3.colm fitzy
6.remba girl
games we will proberly play
flower run
ok so my friend made this up you put flowers ina sqaure then run through it
if you dont kill any you win a certain item
wheres the pitfall
ok in this game which i made up ive buryed shells and pitfalls in a biig sqaure you must run over it trying to aviod falling into a pitfal
a race
ok so my race track will change for every event the last one was small and me and angie had to run it 10 times angie won by a second it had no obsticals
you all know how it works
dig off
ive dug lots of holes you must all dig dig dig to get to the bells and moi lol
if there is a tie i will make you dig again
bug off
yeah you know a bug only contest
fish off
fishing only contest
time bobm
i bury a timer when its on one at a time go find it
ok so here is our members
1.LucyPrettySkye P
2. angie VP
3.colm fitzy
6.remba girl
games we will proberly play
flower run
ok so my friend made this up you put flowers ina sqaure then run through it
if you dont kill any you win a certain item
wheres the pitfall
ok in this game which i made up ive buryed shells and pitfalls in a biig sqaure you must run over it trying to aviod falling into a pitfal
a race
ok so my race track will change for every event the last one was small and me and angie had to run it 10 times angie won by a second it had no obsticals
you all know how it works
dig off
ive dug lots of holes you must all dig dig dig to get to the bells and moi lol
if there is a tie i will make you dig again
bug off
yeah you know a bug only contest
fish off
fishing only contest
time bobm
i bury a timer when its on one at a time go find it