Snowboy recipes


Senior Member
May 10, 2020
Red Christmas Stocking
Holiday Candy Cane 2021
Tin Robot
Eerie Star Potion
White Lily
Holiday Candy Cane 2020
Christmas Candy
Orange (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
Is there any rhyme or reason to the recipes with the snow boy gives you? or are they totally random and I can only hope to figure out which one they give me?
They can give you any of the Frozen DIYs, it's utterly random. If you have secondary characters on your island the same Snowboy may even give them a totally different DIY on the exact same day.

The one guarantee is they ONLY give you ones you don't have (it would be weird/impossible to give duplicates considering they don't give the cards), so that's nice at least.
He'll tell you which one he is giving you when you make him "perfect" and then it appears in the DIY section of your character's phone. The recipes are given randomly.
It's random but extra players can reset for a different DIY recipe after another player makes the snowboy.
I have 2 islands and 5 players. Played 3 days and made perfect snowboy on both islands. After resets I have 14 of the 15 snowboy recipes.
I got the chair, statue, then bed. Not that it matters, I guess, but that's my order.
I can't remember what they're called right now, but I got the DIYs for the frozen tree and frozen bear statue so far and those are easily my favorites from the set so I'm pretty happy so far!