Snowman glitch


Senior Member
Oct 28, 2013
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Have you guys ever had two snowballs refuse to stack?!!

I had two that were a good size. One max, one slightly smaller. They just kept bumping and rolling into each other. Refused to be a snowman. Weird.
Have you guys ever had two snowballs refuse to stack?!!

I had two that were a good size. One max, one slightly smaller. They just kept bumping and rolling into each other. Refused to be a snowman. Weird.
That usually means they don't have enough space to form. Were you nearby a building/object/tree/fence? I've heard they need 3x3? But I'm not positive because I yeet mine into wide open spaces 😂
I notice this when trying to build it to close to a building and near a river, messed up my prefect snowboy twice
Hmm. I was rolling into the exact space of a previous snowman. Seemed like enough space. It was super weird. I’ll keep what you guys said in mind.