So i bought a car...


Retired Staff
Feb 6, 2005

(this is not my photograph.)

It's a 91' Volkswagon Jetta, and its already proven to work well picking up chicks, but we're not getting into that. (long story.)

It's a great car, manual transmission, and it likes to make really loud noises whenever i switch gears... this thing is a woman magnet man. <3 <3 <3

and now for my prediction of what the car will be like in a week:

It's a 91' Volkswagon Jetta, and its already proven to work well picking up chicks, but we're not getting into that. (long story.)
Yeah, those sort of stains are really hard to get out of the upholstery.

Anyway, have fun with your new wheels! I would have personally gone for something smaller and nippier, but that's just my personal preference.
Nice whatcha pay for it I have a 79 Cj5 its pretty cool it has reverse shackles and headers so it reall loud and kinda high.
Monkey09 said:
Nice whatcha pay for it I have a 79 Cj5 its pretty cool it has reverse shackles and headers so it reall loud and kinda high.
Aren't you like 14..?

anyway, i payed 800, about half its bluebook, nice deal, especially since the biggest thing thats wrong with it is it pulls to the right whenever you're not holding the steering wheel... which is especially fun on the freeway, i love looking like a drunk taking 3 lanes to myself...
"It's a 91' Volkswagon Jetta, and its already proven to work well picking up chicks, but we're not getting into that. (long story.)"

Didn't I tell you yesterday that that's going to be the case? <3
LOL the 2nd pic.

awesoness = gettin ur own car...

wish i could get one.
nice. get it painted purple, with bright blue flames.

with the drifting, that's not the car.

and with your prediction, i think ur being too generous. id say, about 3 days.
Bulerias said:
"It's a 91' Volkswagon Jetta, and its already proven to work well picking up chicks, but we're not getting into that. (long story.)"

Didn't I tell you yesterday that that's going to be the case? <3
umm... maybe?

i didn't know i talked to you yesterday. D:
So you got a new VW? Didya get a free guitar with it? :gyroidtongue:
Pretty cool, but I kinda already have a car.. you see, there are 3 cars home.

1- mom
2- dad
3- no one.

In number 3 would be me or my bro


congrats on getting a car. I can't wait to get my license..
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
Congrats. Hope gas prices aren't too bad out there in Utah. :yes:
Third Highest in the Nation.

good thing it gets 35 mpg. I could drive to New York on two tanks. <3