So I bought Wild World...for one day.


Lonely Heart
Nov 15, 2014
Holiday Candy Cane 2021
Black Famous Mushroom
New Horizons Token
New Leaf Token
Blue Candy
Green Candy
Poptart Easter Egg
I got New Leaf almost...two months ago. I got addicted to it fast, so decided to check out Wild World and picked up a copy the other day. I played it for all of a half hour and decided it was horrible. I returned it the next day. I mean...I paid $31 for it (which is insane in itself for a really old, used DS game) and it wasn't worth it. I think it got spoiled for me from playing NL for a while first. I just couldn't stand the set up, everything being smushed on one screen, the shops not being in a different area than your town. So I returned it and got my money back (lied and said I got it for someone who already had it, ha.)

What do you guys think of WW?
Maybe it's not so bad but after NL it just seemed highly unplayable and it was too expensive for an old, used game.
I've never played it, but I've played the Gamecube version and City Folk, so I understand where you're coming from. It can be hard to go back to older entries in a series once you've already played the newer games.

I try not to compare them to newer entries and just enjoy them for what they are though. The only two series I've really played in a random order are Harvest Moon and Rune Factory. RF especially can be a bit hard to go back to, but I still really enjoy the earlier installments. I go back and play RF1 all the time because it's just so much... simpler. Sometimes that's nice. c:

But yeah I haven't heard great things about Wild World, it seemed similar to City Folk to me so I never bothered with it.
New Leaf was my first (and only) AC game. I have a friend who said she used to play Wild World and she played it a lot so I didn't think it would be too bad. But it was just terrible to me and not worth paying full price for a used game so back it went. I just deleted my town so you couldn't tell I played it before sending it back, haha.
i used to play it all the time in hs, but going back to it i don't think the game aged that well. it was good for it's time, but once you hit a certain point in the game it would get dull anyway. >_<
I got New Leaf almost...two months ago. I got addicted to it fast, so decided to check out Wild World and picked up a copy the other day. I played it for all of a half hour and decided it was horrible. I returned it the next day. I mean...I paid $31 for it (which is insane in itself for a really old, used DS game) and it wasn't worth it. I think it got spoiled for me from playing NL for a while first. I just couldn't stand the set up, everything being smushed on one screen, the shops not being in a different area than your town. So I returned it and got my money back (lied and said I got it for someone who already had it, ha.)

What do you guys think of WW?
Maybe it's not so bad but after NL it just seemed highly unplayable and it was too expensive for an old, used game.

Haha! As a kid I loved Wild World!
Until I got City Folk...and then New Leaf.
The game is ancient. Of course the game mechanics are going to be different. c:
I loved the character dialogue a lot more in WW though. There was a lot more development. It seemed like not a lot of things were repeated.
I've never played Wild World but I think whenever there is a game series that builds on previous releases it's always going to be disappointing to new players. I can't see myself ever playing Wild World but I'm sure there are some Animal Crossing fans that love to go back and play it every now and again. I don't think I'd pay $31 for it either way though. I saw it on Amazon for $50+ but they do have them used for $14+
I had Wild World on a ROM ( Asian parents) and I used to spend hours on hours as a preteen playing it. It was fun at the time and I certainly think doing jobs for Tom Nook was fairy fun for me too. The depth of the villagers back then was stronger- snooty villagers were rude, so were cranky villagers. Resetti scared me to no end so I double saved all the time. The game back the was more "inset" and not so customisable as it is today with NL.

I was playing a ROM of it on my PC earlier this month and nostalgia hit me so hard-- how different it was the gloomy constant weather, the signs which gave silly advice but were just place holders for villager moving spots. It gives off a creepy aura now that I think about it-- especially with that mysterious foundation Tortimer kept mentioning-- Boondox. Characters were more shifty and you had to WORK to get their trust. I miss what WW introduced me to the AC series, but I really like how customised I can make my town now. It certainly got boring after a while, but the same goes for NL, just the gratifying rewarding system in NL is much much easier now.
I paid $31 for it

By any chance, did you get it from Gamestop? That's how much City Folk cost there.

And IMO, Wild World, as my first game, was excellent when it first came out, but due to its lack of creative events and whatnot, it is kinda frustrating and gets boring really fast. I was addicted to Wild World in Elementary/Middle school when it was the only thing I could get for my DS at the time, but even before New Leaf came out, I eventually stopped.
Wild World was extremely underwhelming for me. I got it before I got new leaf, and I was still not impressed. I guess it just didn't age well. But! If you want a WW-esque experience, maybe try Magician's Quest: Mysterious Times? I always reccommend this to people who didn't like Wild World. It's extremely comparable to WW, but it has a loose plot to it, where you're a wizard in training. It's definitely worth looking into, and I got my copy for $15 used at GS. (btw, $31 for WW is outrageous!)
Wild World was probably the best ACNL experience for me, because I played it for years since I turned 9. I loved the gameplay because I could take my DS wherever I went and play whenever I wanted. Although City Folk had more benefits, I had an attachment/obsession to Wild World because I personally felt as if it was a far different and special environment, and because it was portable.

...and then once I got hooked to New Leaf, I cringed whenever I attempted to play Wild World because even though I still liked my town, the graphics hecka hurt my eyes. It was so sad to be leaving a significant portion of my childhood, even though it was probably for the better...

Am I the only one who still likes the music from Wild World?
Am I the only one who still likes the music from Wild World?
No, the music in WW/CF is just amaaaziiiing.
Though the Gamecube soundtrack is still the best.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Yeah, there's no point in playing Wild World anymore other than Nostalgia's sake.

When it comes to a handheld, ACNL delivers so much more than what ACWW has to offer.
Not to put WW down or anything, it's just the newer games kinda spoiled us with all the crap you can do in those games.

Though it does have some stuff that I really do hope they bring back. (Better Villager conversations anybody?)
Haha! As a kid I loved Wild World!
Until I got City Folk...and then New Leaf.
The game is ancient. Of course the game mechanics are going to be different. c:
I loved the character dialogue a lot more in WW though. There was a lot more development. It seemed like not a lot of things were repeated.
I second this!
While I enjoyed ww, once nl came out I think I- and many others- finally realized how much content we had actually been missing out on. It's very hard to go back now, because while the original games are gems, they just don't compete with nl.

I sold my ww too.
I loved it so much! //; v ; All I did was play it hehe ; u ; Then I stopped, and now there's no way I can get back into it. I've tried, but it's so different and underdeveloped compared to New Leaf. I feel like I should be getting as much as I'm expecting, but I can't on such an old game.
I still have the game card though. It probably would have been best to have purchased it before New Leaf. u v u
I loved Wild World!
...Until I saw New Leaf, then I found out I was missing out on some cool stuff, and I stopped playing it until I got my hands on a copy of New Leaf.
A few weeks later I went to my weed-infested WW town again, and I shut it off not even two minutes into gameplay. It was so slow and for lack of a better word, boring.
If you've only ever played New Leaf, it's obvious that you'd hate the previous instalments. Nintendo try to make the new instalments better than the previous, and they succeed to do that. You hate it because it's not New Leaf.
WW was amazing for conversations with the villagers. *A*
I also miss waving to the furry friends from afar. >n<
The soundtrack was beautiful too... The graphics on the other hand, ahaha... u w u;
It sure brings back nostalgic memories.... I enjoyed playing WW with my best friend back in elementary school.
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I only played a bit of Wild World on my friends DS AFTER I had New Leaf.
Wasn't a fan of it, it was just 'underwhelming'. Plus everybody looked like they had been smacked with a hammer.

AC just seems to be one of those games that only ever 'improves' with not much reason to play older games outside of nostalgia.