So I missed out on the New 3DS Bundle?...


Senior Member
Sep 14, 2013
Winter Mittens
Pear (Fruit)
I was waiting to pre order it today because my mom's been busy, and I really need a new 3ds because mine broke. I checked out and now it's unavailable. :(
It's been such a hard week for me and now this bums me out even more.
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Try pre-ordering in your local store, they probably still have some left as it's only been a few days and it's a lot more work than to just click a button online!
If it makes you feel better, my local EB Games has no idea if they're gonna do pre-orders on the new 3ds bundle or not because apparently Nintendo never informs them of anything until like last minute.
I'm sorry! That is the worst. But I would still keep your eyes open for now, just because I don't think it was ever confirmed that the bundle was a gamestop exclusive. On their website it still says "coming soon" under Retailers. It might pop up again for sale somewhere else and just be quick to order it, if it does.

And like everyone else said, try calling your local stores! Each store had a certain amount they could sell and it doesn't seem like they are all sold out yet.
If it makes you feel better, my local EB Games has no idea if they're gonna do pre-orders on the new 3ds bundle or not because apparently Nintendo never informs them of anything until like last minute.

Assuming you're from Canada then? Amazon and Best Buy both have pre-orders up at the moment if you don't want to wait.
Hmm well thanks guys/gals! My other issue is like way worse, but this is just salt in the wound. Really sad but I'll check out my local Gamestop
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I don't have a credit card so I rarely ever buy stuff online.

Most banks use debit cards to access your funds and most debits count as visa cards. Either way I usually have more reliability buying stuff online than in stores.
it seems to still be available in the uk but i don't get paid for another week and a half and it's starting to really stress me. i honestly thought there was just gonna be an unlimited amount (at least until release), i've never really pre ordered anything limited edition before because i'm such a cheap person
it seems to still be available in the uk but i don't get paid for another week and a half and it's starting to really stress me. i honestly thought there was just gonna be an unlimited amount (at least until release), i've never really pre ordered anything limited edition before because i'm such a cheap person

Check to see if your online retailer charges you when you pre-order. If they charge you right before it ships to you, you have around three weeks to save up! :)
Check to see if your online retailer charges you when you pre-order. If they charge you right before it ships to you, you have around three weeks to save up! :)

oh thanks so much for the info! it says they charge when the items is dispatched so hopefully that means i have time then!
It's odd that you couldn't preorder it if you're in the USA. I actually preordered one from Gamestop (the physical location though) yesterday. If you do get it be warned that the stores will probably ask for a $50 minimum down payment.
It's odd that you couldn't preorder it if you're in the USA. I actually preordered one from Gamestop (the physical location though) yesterday. If you do get it be warned that the stores will probably ask for a $50 minimum down payment.

Yup! I just did that :)
I'm so happy, I called and they said there were only 2 left, so I rushed there right away.
Aw :( I'm so sorry! I put mine on credit card cause I definitely didn't want them to run out of pre-orders. I didn't have the money at the time so I figured it was worth the extra $9 in interest lol I'd check out other gamestops in your area. Check em all, I'm sure someone has some left.
Most banks use debit cards to access your funds and most debits count as visa cards. Either way I usually have more reliability buying stuff online than in stores.

my bank actually doesn't actually have visa debit cards so that's out of the question.

Yeah, that was my issue too. I have the cash, I just need to use my mom's card and pay her back, but she's been busy so I haven't asked.

hopefully you're able to get it!