so is anyone..

cheating, hacking, and time travlin' ruins the game, and takes away the fun a lot faster...
Ya' Know?
I think it's slightly silly that people get that worked up about this, but I won't be cheating on my main character at all, and when I make my second character I always wait 2 months before doing anything cheat-ish.
No cheating here, and no associating with cheaters, i'd like to play the game the way it was initially intended, so I can enjoy it longer.
I always play legit until i pay off my last house upgrade , and get all the furnature i want. Then i start skipping around to finish up the game.
lunarmooner said:
yeaaah thats what im talking boutt lets make like some anti cheaters group or sumthing
lol click the link in my sig, its a list of people who've agreed to not time travel or cheat, sign your name.

I only WiFi with people who've signed, personally.
Not at all, I did it all the time in the original although I cut back considerably for the DS version. This time I don't plan on doing it at all :)
cheating bah only good cheating is strategy guide anything else not my still of play dont mind people who do but not me
All changing time ever does for me is make my town full of weeds, which takes out of my real play time to clean up. I never did in previous games and never plan to in City Folk.

It keeps your town safe, people. =D
Well, im sure many more people will cheat, or many more people will try. Of cource, there are rules on this server that you can only trade Friend Codes if you signed the treaty-which means no cheating. I guess there will be more attempts of cheating because this is an online game, and there is more competition. Before, you couldn't really say "Im selling this and Im selling that, and the only way you can get these items you REALLY want is by makeing yourself poor, and bankrupt." So im guessing there will be alot more competition. I feel behind already. Im getting the game on Wednessday or Thrusday, and god forbid Friday :p . But my point is, is that people can get things from other players, and those players have demands. So some people think the only solution is... to cheat