has happened...


peace luv and wubz :3
Dec 7, 2008
My beautiful purple 3DS pretty much fell apart yesterday. The top screen still works and i can reattatch it, but it comes apart easily. I guess i will have to use part of my tax refund to buy a one of the new 3DS', which i was contemplating on doing anyways.

Its still sad though lol i had that thing for almost 3 years, AND it was used. It had a good run though. Itll now be my back up DS

Does anyone else have a new one? I havent really done research on the differencea besides the size of course. What are the differences?
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Well the New ones referring to the New 3ds/xl ones.. well yes they are larger obviously and you don't need a connector for amiibo/cards and they have a better processor (you need if you want to play Xenoblades Chronicles or what the game's name is) and probably some other pro's. Only thing is you can't pop out the SD card as you want, that thing you must wireless connect to your computer with.

I have the HHD n3ds xl model and I love it to death not only because of the pretty pattern of course but idek for some reason it last me longer than the regular ones and since our Wi-fi is crappy it connects as bad as the others I guess but I think they made a point it should connect better... Our environment just sucks :p

If you can afford it, def. get one if you can. I love the large screens. I recently tried playing on my friend's 3ds (one of the first blue ones) and it's so tiny haha felt like playing on a Game & Watch.
Well the New ones referring to the New 3ds/xl ones.. well yes they are larger obviously and you don't need a connector for amiibo/cards and they have a better processor (you need if you want to play Xenoblades Chronicles or what the game's name is) and probably some other pro's. Only thing is you can't pop out the SD card as you want, that thing you must wireless connect to your computer with.

I have the HHD n3ds xl model and I love it to death not only because of the pretty pattern of course but idek for some reason it last me longer than the regular ones and since our Wi-fi is crappy it connects as bad as the others I guess but I think they made a point it should connect better... Our environment just sucks :p

If you can afford it, def. get one if you can. I love the large screens. I recently tried playing on my friend's 3ds (one of the first blue ones) and it's so tiny haha felt like playing on a Game & Watch.

Wait i cant just put my SD card in a new 3DS? My laptop doesnt have a port to put an SD card in so i dont get how im supposed to wirelessly connect it...
use glue #protip

no but srsly that sucks i hope u get a new, good ds :(
i had a ds that broke (the top screen was Rly close to falling off) and it always stressed me out when i played on it because i was sure it was going to completely break whenever i used it lmao
Wait i cant just put my SD card in a new 3DS? My laptop doesnt have a port to put an SD card in so i dont get how im supposed to wirelessly connect it...

Well I guess you can if you open the back and take it out but as in opposite to the old ones where it was just to plop it out and in, you can't really do this here.

It's like file sharing almost, just that you have to do it with a 3ds rather than two computers.

Also yeah I remember when my first Lite had its hinges falling off.. that sucked but then that thing was really old back then and the touch screen was abused too much...
Well I guess you can if you open the back and take it out but as in opposite to the old ones where it was just to plop it out and in, you can't really do this here.

It's like file sharing almost, just that you have to do it with a 3ds rather than two computers.

Also yeah I remember when my first Lite had its hinges falling off.. that sucked but then that thing was really old back then and the touch screen was abused too much...

Ahh okay... I guess ill just have to figure somwthing out.

And yeah my old DS Lite from way back in like 2006 ro 2007 did the same thing. Onw day i opened it and it just fell apart
Ahh okay... I guess ill just have to figure somwthing out.

And yeah my old DS Lite from way back in like 2006 ro 2007 did the same thing. Onw day i opened it and it just fell apart

Yeah, idek why they had to make it like that cause you can't really switch it out easily that way, if you can at all.

Yup those hinges were really bad... Oh well not worse than some 3ds model's styluses, I hated those that you could enlarge and shrink lol what even....
To expand on what Moko said, it's also a Micro SD card, not a SD card, that the New 3DS XL uses.
i have a new one, and the old one which is pretty much dead to me
Yes I have the newer version. It's not exactly a "must have" but it still is pretty convenient to have. Although they say that the loading process on the newer version is a lot faster which I later found out isn't true. They also have the micro SD card on the INSIDE of the system, so you have to go through the trouble of unscrewing the back if you want to take the card out. :/
So... how am I supposed to transfer the games and themes I have on my SD card? Lol WHY would they make it different type of SD card??? The only way was much easier and not a problem at all so I don't get why they "fixed" what was never broken in the first place :/
So... how am I supposed to transfer the games and themes I have on my SD card? Lol WHY would they make it different type of SD card??? The only way was much easier and not a problem at all so I don't get why they "fixed" what was never broken in the first place :/
Your purchases might be able to transfer if you use the same Nintendo ID as your old system.
i have a 3DS XL but it's not the brand new one witht eh c-stick.
my micro SD card pops out easily with no issues. so i don't mind this model at all. big screen, easily to use, no stress of uncrewing **** for a micro SD. :')

although i wish mine was pink and white instead of this hideous blue color.
Yes I have the newer version. It's not exactly a "must have" but it still is pretty convenient to have. Although they say that the loading process on the newer version is a lot faster which I later found out isn't true. They also have the micro SD card on the INSIDE of the system, so you have to go through the trouble of unscrewing the back if you want to take the card out. :/
It's on a game-to-game basis. Some games have noticeably faster loading times on the N3DS (the game in which it's most obvious is Monster Hunter X/Generations), whereas in other games the loading time is so low on the O3DS anyway that it's impossible

I still play with my O3DS at times, but I much prefer the New.

So... how am I supposed to transfer the games and themes I have on my SD card? Lol WHY would they make it different type of SD card??? The only way was much easier and not a problem at all so I don't get why they "fixed" what was never broken in the first place :/
Try to see if you know someone that has SD card slots on their PC, and see if you can use it to transfer the data from your SD to the new microSD. During a system transfer some stuff (NNID, purchases tied to account) is transferred, so while you can redownload games and themes, you wouldn't have the save files.

Otherwise, if you're not too bothered by the new features on the N3DS, I'd suggest looking at secondhand models of the old models, so you can easily do a system transfer and switch your SD card from this broken system into the new one.