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So...thinking about a third town...


Bunny Fanatic
Sep 8, 2014
Sautéed Mushrooms
Holiday Candy Cane 2017
Timmy Christmas Doll
Winter Mittens
And I would really like one, especially now that Bunifrey is complete and Balamb WAS complete until I decided to redo most of it.

So my question is: should I buy another physical copy or go digital? Digital would cut down on the number of cartridges I need to carry around, but then I wouldn't be able to create backups of the data just in case it corrupts.

What do you guys think I should do?
i'd go with a physical copy! i also have three towns and they're all cartridges - i keep them all in one case and label each one with the town name on a piece of tape :')
i had my data corrupt completely randomly twice, so i'm paranoid about having backups.​
Agreed! Go with the cartridge to be safe! They're not that heavy, and you can distinguish them by the serial codes on the back of them.

Good luck with another town! :D
I have three and while at first I could handle it, it actually became too much. I put my main town on 'pause' using the move out trick and haven't picked it up in a couple weeks. I kind of regret it to be honest.

Edit: ....I just realized my post is totally irrelevant to what you were even asking. So to try and be helpful, I would recommend physical copies. I've always been weary about downloading games, especially because I've had my share of problems with various games over time. Plus if anything happens to my DS, there goes the games too.
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Deffinitely buy a physical copy! It seems a bit safer that way and it would be harder to get erased and such unless it's your command. I think starting a third town would be lovely, all your knowledge and experiences would seem to triple up for creating a new town and such from what you've done in the past! give it a goooo xD
I'm with pretty much everyone else who recommends that you go physical. Less foreseeable chance of problems, especially if you transfer data to another 3DS someday.

Ironically enough, I also have three towns, but my two extra towns are both digital. It was mostly just for the sake of convenience because I didn't feel like going to the store when I could just download them. I prefer physical media in pretty much every circumstance despite what I ended up doing.
I'm old school. I always buy physical copies of everything: CDs, DVDs, games and books. Digital just doesn't feel as "safe" to me, I guess.
Thanks, everyone! I prefer physical copies of stuff, especially games. And being able to back up saves is kind of a big deal...since this game seems to corrupt too often for my comfort.
i would say physical copy too c: maybe you find a used one and get it cheaper?
Go for it! I personally have one physical copy and one digital and I love it. It makes it so much easier to tell which town is which and swap between them!
Physical copy, definitely. I have a few downloaded games and actually I find myself deleting and then redownloading them later to replay them because I want to have the space on the SD card. It's not worth it really.
My advice is to get a physical copy.

My system broke in September, and my town was digital - the data couldn't be transfered to my new system (or recovered in any other way), so I lost a year-and-a-half old town. If I'd had a physical copy, it wouldn't have been an issue.

IMO, digital isn't the way to go for Nintendo products until they come up with an account system that isn't tied to individual pieces of hardware.