Soft Spot Villagers


Traveling Seashell Seller
Apr 26, 2020
I have been noticing recently that I have developed a soft spot for villagers that I had in new leaf, such as Vesta and Freya and even Del. It’s not so much that I want to re-create my town and have all the same villagers but when I see them on a mystery island or when I’m deciding what amiibo cards to get from Etsy then I find myself reminiscing. Does anybody else feel like this?
Yup! I actually try not to repeat villagers that I've had in previous games since there are so many cute villagers in the series, but whenever I see a villager I had in wild world or city folk (and actually liked) on a mystery island or a friend's island it makes me reminisce nice as well. Woldgang, Biscuit, and Lobo the most.
yup but i have a soft spot for wayyy too many villagers 😅

like lobo, katt, axel, crackle, alfonso, pashmina, rooney, carmen, peanut, del, cyrano, cesar, rosie, whitney, jacques, apollo, pietro, maddie, olivia, colton, bonbon, harry, beardo, rodeo, pekoe, chester then of course i love to see wolf link when i go on NL
but oof too many, more than i can think of lol

i also get really attached to villagers really quick which is another struggle haha
Yes. I got Lily as a starter in NL. I have a soft spot for her - I purchased her genuine amiibo card and I HAD to invite her to New Horizons. I had Antonio in New Leaf as well but I kicked him out in New Leaf - I have a soft spot now that he’s returned as my jock starter in NH. And finally, Ankha. I bought her for 110 NMT off Nookazon... except she turned out to be incredibly gifted. I voided her. I still have a soft spot for her (she was a starter in NL too) but I’m trying to refrain myself from inviting her again.
Absolutely! I have loved having certain villagers in the past, such as Merengue, and I couldn't wait to have her in my NH island. I don't know if it's that I've got some sort of attachment/bond to her or if I just like the character or what. There are just certain villagers I couldn't imagine my island without! I felt like that with Apple too but the longer I have her, that feeling of nostalgia has kind of worn off. I kind of actually struggled with really wanting to bring in Etoile, as she wasn't available until recently. It's so unfortunate when your favorites are not in the game, I'm delighted I'll finally be able to have her again!
yes! i’ve actually had quite a few of my new leaf favourites and even have some of my nl dreamies on my island; beau, sprinkle and fuchsia! that being said, i have these villagers because i still love them now and not just because i did in new leaf, but seeing them around definitely makes me a bit nostalgic for my new leaf days. :’^)
There are so many I have a soft spot for, like Dora and Punchy, but I already have who I want. :(
I have a soft spot for Lionel, I don't know why but I feel like he's sophisticated and he seems also older then other villagers.
I have a soft spot for a lot of the villagers I loved while playing Wild World, in particular Peanut who was my favourite villager for a long time and Wolfgang who has held the spot of my favourite cranky since I first met him. I'd love to have both of them on my island at some point, likely as a permanent villager for Wolfgang and for a brief stint for nostalgias sake with Peanut, she has a special place in my heart for been my original dreamy but her design is a bit too bright for me now to keep her permanently in NH.
I have a soft spot for Ed :) I have had him since day one in New Leaf and I have just always had fun with Ed plus we are 6 days apart during our birthday month so we always have fun giving each other gifts and attending our bday parties.
I have a soft spot for Peaches, Punchy, Boots and Pate.

These were all cuties who I had in New Leaf. Boots and Peaches are two villagers who I never thought I would like. Boots in particular I used to be super attached too. I had him in my main New Leaf town for a very long time before I eventually let him go for someone new.
Same!! I have a soft spot for my starters in new leaf because they were my first villagers ever. They dont reside in my new leaf town anymore so i have been thinking of bringing them to my island instead.
You are so right 🥺 I love so many villagers but I always have to have Whitney, Julian and Bianca in my game. They are just the special friends who make it home and without them the game just wouldn’t be the same 😍 it’s fun trying out new animals and building friendships but those three are my in game family 💜