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Eligible Solfolket (New Year, New Horizon)

Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower

This were the day I got a real scare! I found Reneigh with a tought bubble over her head.

I paniced! I were selling sea creature to the Nooklings when I spotted here. My heart jumped several stepps.

Was this it? Did she want to leave me, the Island. All of us? My heart and head were screaming. NOOOO! Not her!

I could not ignore her. I had to ask, what was up. I could not breath when I ran up to her.

*I made a misstake, I bought something I already had. Totally forgot. Do you want it? *

I could breath again! Thank you! I am not ready for anybody to leave even if I know it will come a day. For now I could breath again.

Yours, Vintersol

Today was the day I just wanted to hide. I meet Reneigh and Nate earlier. They were in the middle of a conversation. I just did not want to be there. Have you heard of the expression *Stink eye* before?. Well, I had not either. Reneigh was suppose to learn Nate how to do it. The problem his he did not want to nor thought it was fun...

It got kinda intense!




I saw a side of Reneigh that wasnt that pleasent. When someone say stop it is stop, but Reneigh kinda miss all the signals. Nate were destroyed. Poor bear. Reneigh took it too far. I like her thou, it put me in an ankward situation.

I had to say it the way I saw it. She were to rough on poor Nate. She took it alright. Gave him a gift to appolagize so now they are friends again.

I just did not know that Reneigh could be such a push over!! I kinda wish I did not know that...

The sunset we had was amazing!! So I do not know what put her off in such a bad mood.

Yours, Vintersol

The night has come and a strange quite atmosphere has layed a mark on Solfolket. Nobody is walking on the streets and suddently I feel lonely. It usually are someone out. Did the action before change everything leaving a sour taste of what should have been?

I feel an ice cold shivering on my back. I were ready to go home, turn on all the lights and turn up both music and the tv. I suddently got scared. I have never been scared on this island before. It were not a pleasent feeling. What if whisp turn mad and everybody moved away. Leaving me here alone?

I am taking a last glance around me, ready to make the run home as fast as I can. I took my first step and then I stopped.

Yours, Vintersol
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I had ran into the airport. Orville nor Wilbur was at sight. That just added the strange feeling I had of spookines. I were just leaving the airport, ready to run back home. There were when I saw someone! It was a relief to see anybody at all. Even thou that someone looked sad, lonely and a little bit lost. I guess it just was my imagination. I do not know why I feelt this way. It must been the power of a *stink eye* that crawled into my skin.

I could not help it. I had to capture this moment. The scenery was perfect. One soul out in the dark, thinking, wandering around Solfolket.

All of that shivering feeling I had was gone. There I stod snapping picture after picture of nobody than our favourite Papa bear, Nate!
I was woundering if he and Reneigh would be as good of a friends like they were before.




When I walked up to Nate he explained he was looking for a couple of new bug friends to those he already had at home.

He is such a sweetie, our own Papa bear ❤️🧡
I felt so much better again!

Yours, Vintersol
I got letter from a woman named Luna! A bed was attached to it. She said I could visit other Islands when I was dreaming. Its a way to get inspiration and see what other Islands representative has done regarding building.

I was so suprised. I did not know that there were others like me whom had bought an island gettaway package.

The whole thing sounded a little strange, almost like the mysterious tours where Orville and Wilbur are burning all the route maps.

I was courious enough to try it. I layed down in my bed and I felt like I was driftig right away. Everything dissapered and all I saw was Pink cloudes or maybe some sort of smoke. A woman began to talk. Luna was her name. She took me to another island. When all the Pink smokes/clouds were gone I stood on another plaza. I could walk around and watch the whole island but not touch anything. Very cool!

When I wanted to go back I just layed down on my bed that stood in the plaza. I had a horribel headeche afterwards. So I might not do this everyday, but I enjoyed it. So defently ones in a while.




Yours, Vintersol
It has been some qiuet days that followed. I have been spending my days and evenings fishing, looking for new spieces.

There is a few that keeps teasing me. I enjoy the clear sky. You can spot some of the stars in the background.

Otherwhise there is not much that have happened. I have been listening to Tom and his broadcoast, even if there is not that much to say. It is still a cozy routine.

Late at night I have been gathering everybody I could for some stretching under the stars. I love the feeling that the sky gives. They gives us all more energy to stretch properly.

I have been prepering something special! There is someones birthday that is comming up very soon. I am so excited. It will be the first birthday celebration on the Island since we got here! That makes it extra special! ❤️🧡💛

I will tell you who it is, tomorrow!

Yours, Vintersol
I am to excited. I cannot wait until tomorrow. Here is a picture of me standing before the birthday persons house. Can anybody guess who it is?


I have put my nicest, most stylish clothes on. Pretty right? 😀 It was a little cold, so I ran into the house pretty quick.

You all guessed right! It is our favourite little bear, Poncho! ❤️🧡💛


I had prepered a special gift for Poncho. He was so happy! He is adorable in his cute birthday hat and green shirt. I love him so much!



Piper was there, she was in charge over all the decoration. She made an awesome job! She has a pink dress and a super cute bow. We danced and listen to music. I had to sit on the sofa and rest for a while.

Ponchos birthday party were a sucess. Everyone had so much fun. I am so lucky that I could share this special moment with him and Piper. ❤️🧡💛

(I just noticed that you can see how far behind I am. These pictures are from january the 2th. I do have the island still and I love it. It is defantly my forever island. I am looking forward to show you how long way the island have come.)

Yours, Vintersol

I left Ponchos birthday party and visited my other neighbours. I usually give them some fresh fruit. Nate was crafting so he gave me a new recipe.

Afterwards I change my clothes for some snow play! I made this perfect snow man. He got a little bit big, but I like him! He teached me a how to make my own snowman hat! I will show it soon. ❤️🧡💛

I fished a little at one of my favourite spots, near my water rock. I did not get anything new.

Despite the cold I took a refreshing swim around the Island and meet Pascal. He talked about pinapples. I love them so I dont care about this words. I just want to eat them... 😇

Here I am. Ready to show my snowman hat! I matched it with the most whitish snowy clothes I had then I visited Poncho again! There I meet my third neighbour that moved in, Olive! I love her and Poncho. They are the sweetest couple. I am not sure they would agree. Either way I took another round partying with them both! It is so much fun celebrating Ponchos birthday with all my villagers.

Look at Olives hair pin! I want it too, matches my snowman nose. 😊

Yours, Vintersol
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I spotted this little creature on his way to Mable! She is a sweatheart coming to Solfolket now and then to sell homemade clothes. Her sister Sable is making them with her own paws! We are lucky to have her. I love new clothes so I would have been missing out.

My heart stopped when I saw the spider crawling in her direction. It look like it had one goal, bite her!

I just began to ran, but stopped just in time. It was not the time to do anything rash! I had to sneak up on it. Slowly, slowly did I get closer. I had my net ready!


I got it! Mable was safe, at least for this time. 😇

I already donated one to Blather but I will keep this one. I want three for Flick, I heard he is the go to dude for commisions of insects. I am not sure because I have never meet him. It is just a rumor. I will keep three just in case. I have a perfect spot in mind if the day comes.

Yours, Vintersol


I had to take this two pictures of me and THE man! Wearing the snowhat I got from the snowman. We are so cute together. I will defently miss this one, when it melts. I am almost always rolling one up each day. Usually I am getting them perfect. If I miss I blame the bug that plays with them. I dont know why but if I do not start from scratch it seems to get me unbalanced.

It is so much fun. I actually love the snow. I bet I will miss it when it is gone. ❤️🧡💛

I am a season change kind of person thou. I love that nothing last forever and that it will come back one day.

Yours, Vintersol

Hello, hi!

Nate and Olive are working out in the plaza. If you look closly you can see that resident service building is under construction. It is finally getting an upgrade. This is so exciting! I cannot wait to see how it will look like and how it will be improved.


Can you believe what I noticed on my way home? I saw another spider. This time it was going for Reneigh! Maybe I should have let her get biten. 😇

I have not forgotten how she were bullying Nate. I just could not! She is forgiven. I love Reneigh too. She just need to learn bounderies.

Luckely, I got it! Our neighbourhood is safe again!

Before bed, I went away on one dream tour. I like to see what others are up to.

Yours, Vintersol

Believe my suprise when Tom ran into this morning broadcast with someone else! He had hired Isabelle! She seems lovely and she will share the office space with Tom in the newly upgraded resident service. From start of tomorrow she will take over the news reports.

We have spent all day celebrated the new opening. We had such luck with the weather. Sky is blue and the sun is shining giving us a warm feeling. We could not have had a better day. All neighbours joined in. Poncho, Reneigh, Piper, Nate and Olive. We are so many! It feels like yesterday we began this Journey together and even if we have come so long. There is so much more to look forward to and so much I want to show you.

From all of us to all of you. Solfolket wish you all a happy Valentine! ❤️🧡💛

Yours, Vintersol
Poncho was doing some workout like most days when Olive ran up to me.

-I have something from home, my old home. I want you to have it, she said with her light voice.

I melted like the snow in the sun during spring! How can you not fall in love with sweet Olive! I thanked her for her gift then I had to continue my work. I had bought a bridge from Tom Nook. I payed of Loyed right away.



Later I saw Piper water some flowers. I had to run up to her. I had been crafting her a snowflake bag! I just had to give it to her.



Olive was walking by. Maybe she wanted a snowflake bag too. I felt a little bit bad that I only made one, but she always looks happy to see me.

Yours, Vintersol
I want to give some attention to Poncho!!! ❤️🧡💛

He is blue. He is strong. He knowes it all about muscels. Here he stands in his workout outfit. Working those shades! Stylish, ready to sweat. He is my closest neighbour. His house is on my right side. His house is almost as blue as Poncho himself.

He is always hyped with an amazing energy. Whenever I see him and talk to him his positive spirit jumps over to me. Even if I am cranky. He might never make me do any push ups but he will always make me smile! Poncho my, sweet little bear! I hope you stay much, much longer. ❤️🧡💛

Yours, Vintersol

Do you all remeber my big snowman?
I had to make a small one too. It might be possible to make it smaller, but the head did not want to jump above so I dont know.


I have been hanging with Reneigh. She is so cool. She tells me all this stories about when she was young, ditching school and hanging with two order lades that were yelling at her. *To cool for school* she says!

I dont know, I bet she felt lonly and maybe sad? I do not grasp why she hanged with those two, maybe one of them was her mum? Who knowes. It might explain her rough shell she show of now and then. I feel a bit sorry for her, but glad that she is here. Safe and hopefully happy on Solfolket. Here is nobody yelling, except for maybe Reneigh.... 😱


Later that day Nooks called me. He had a friend over on visit, Lottie! She wants me to help her design homes. I said I will do it but I did not say when. Can you believe it? Suddenly, I have a job waiting for me...


I had to tell Nate. He was crafting something and he gave me the recipe. They are all so sweet. He was very happy for me, all his bugs were happy too, he said.


Did I tell you? Our campingsite is done! We had a huge celebration. A real grand opening. Everybody were there! It was so much fun! You can spot Reneighs house to the right in the background. She is my neighbour to the left.

Yours, Vintersol

I meet Pascal again! His words always get me thinking. Is this really true? Then I must be stubborn and really wants to unlove some things. Can that even be a thing? Or do I need to work on my learning strategic. I am a teacher, I should know this thing. I do not know this thing!

How can I learn to love to go to the dentist? I can love that I take care of myself, or appreciete that I can go there but still. I do not love it!

Can I learn to love cleaning my house? When I could play video games instead? I appreciete when it is nice and clean and I do love the result but the action? No, I do not love it.

Can I learn to love giving birth to a child? It is just the only way to have a child. I appreciete that I can and that it is possible. I love my children but if I could use magic to get them out I would. I do not love it.

I just cannot say that I agree, but I do believe in appreciation for things and the work to get something. It is just the way of life, but still.

I am not sure I can learn to love everything in life. I can accept them, but love them all? I am defently not sure...

If you love everything then it would make love dull. I believe we need to unlike things so we can compare and understand when we actually love something, but what do I know.

Yours, Vintersol
It is not only our campsite we have been celebrating. I have added a stone bridge. I believe I told you. This is the result!

Now we can reach the right dock more easily and the long side right beach. There is not much there yet despite all the coconouts. It is still an amazing place to spend some time. Poncho loves to run there, that I know.


After the celebration we took a swim together and then relaxed at my place. You can see that we are sittning in the first room. The entrence you see is the way into my bathroom. I bet I will show you all how it look like at some point. I have my kitchen to the left and my bedroom will be moved to the right. I guessed I have not moved the bed yet. My memories are sometimes failing me.


When Poncho left, I decided I wanted some fresh air so I took of on a walk. This is where I try to get some blue wildflowers. I water them everyday. So far I get mostly white ones. 🙃


I just had to take one picture in black and white. Can you see the moon? Amazing!!


During my walk along the beach I spotted some stars falling. I had to stay out and make a wish or two. I can not tell you what I wished for. That would jinx it.

Yours, Vintersol

We have our first camping visitor! When Isabelle announced it I ran there right away. I have been waiting and I am so courious. I hope for Lionel! I love him. Let see who it is!

It is O Hare! Beach boy! He had heard about Solfolkets long beaches and wanted to move here. He was suprised over the snow but I said we are going towards spring so he wanted to stay despite the cold. I talked to Tom and we prepered a house for him. O Hare will be our sixth villager! ❤️

Yours, Vintersol
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I am going my round giving my villager fruit everyday. Daylies I call them. My neighbours love getting fresh fruit on a daylie base.

I had to snap this beauty. Olive is outside drinkning hot soup. In the background we can see Nates house and to the right a little bit of Pipers house too.

Black and white of course. Olive looks relaxed!

I do not know what happened but Olive had alot on her mind later that evening. To much soup and to much fresh air. Nate! You might be in trouble...

Yours, Vintersol

I felt it was time for another stretch. Work out is always good when you have alot on your mind. I was happy to see that Olive wanted to join in. Hopefully that would help her find her way. We had many visitors this day. Celeste, Blathers sister was here and Our own flower power man! Leif!! His name is Leif. He is one of my favourite visitors.

After the stretch we sat down besides Olives house. Talked for hours. Nate is such a sweet bear. His biggest hobby is all the bugs in her house. I can really tell how much he appreciete and loves them, almost like family members.


Black and white, had to snap one!

Yours, Vintersol