Some news I guess: For some reason the 1 button is my favorite buttun and I can't stop making pictures! so you can be in the pictures too!
Some pictures I put on my SD card
Left to Right: Some person I don't know, Me, Jingle we are laughing at something in front of Jingle's gate
My first mortage paided off in the city (Thanks for RocketMeowth for extra bells :])
Umm yeah WTC means What the Crap By the way
The three marioteers
Dont run at the able sisters! Or Sable will punish you!
A dumb question deserves a dumb answer
Mii Masks
Some pictures I put on my SD card
Left to Right: Some person I don't know, Me, Jingle we are laughing at something in front of Jingle's gate
My first mortage paided off in the city (Thanks for RocketMeowth for extra bells :])
Umm yeah WTC means What the Crap By the way
The three marioteers
Dont run at the able sisters! Or Sable will punish you!
A dumb question deserves a dumb answer
Mii Masks