Some CF Questions (help!)


Senior Member
Mar 25, 2013
The Bell Tree Fair 2013 Patch
I recently rebuilt my CF town now that I know more about what I was meant to be doing in AC in general. My town fruit is peaches and I sent peaches to all my neighbours with a one line letter asking for fruit (subtle as a brick, me!) and not one replied!

Is there some secret way of getting fruit that I don't know about because everywhere I've read says to do that. It better not be a glitch as I've been filling my museum again!

Also, I'm finding it near impossible to fish. I press A when the bob splashes and goes under water and 9 times out of 10 the fish swims away instead of hooking on. The only thing I can catch is the zebra turkeyfish (and it was rainign last night, you have no idea how frustrating it was trying to catch any big fish shadow) as even the teeny little ones swim away... Any fishing tips???

I'm beginning to see why I gave up on this game first time round. For me it's very poorly executed on the Wii and I can't even use the classic controller to make it easier.
No it's totally random depending on if and what they send to you
Make sure you don't write gibberish in your letter. Even a typo can result in a no-gift reply.
Write: 'How are you?' in exactly this form.
Include a peach in your letter, and send to your neighbour. You can expect any type of fruit back or clothing.

Fishing needs quick reflex.
It depends on the fish's rarity, The rarer they are the faster they are. You just have to be quick.
Thanks (I totally forgot about this thread, my bad!).

I did wonder, it's all so easy in WW and it threw me off a bit, I guess CF just mixed it up a little more!
Fish nibble up to 5 times

after the 5th nibble, will defiantly be a bite. This helped me so much