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Southern Hemisphere Players - are you guys also concerned about this?


aspiring egg
Feb 22, 2020
Throwback Tickets
Hi guys - long time AC player & Bell Tree forum stalker but first post here! Sorry if this has already been posted before, but I was thinking about how holiday seasons (i.e christmas) usually have themed clothing, furniture & activities that generally to match the weather and I was wondering how this was going to work for southern hemisphere players. For example, we saw in the new direct that you can shake trees & collect Christmas ornaments in the winter.. but how would this work for us if winter is during mid year for us southern hemisphere players? Or will they just put the fairy lights during the December summer instead? Aesthetic wise it will look kinda off...

Otherwise I could hope that Nintendo will actually try to make different versions of holiday event items to match our opposite seasons (yay!) but we really have no idea at this point. What are your thoughts? (Maybe I'm just over thinking it and the items will look really weather-neutral lolol)
welcome to the forums!

i honestly was wondering about this too, especially because they glossed over it in the direct. maybe for the holidays the update will make it so that everyone with access to that holiday will have it's own specific instance of weather? like "wow it's just like magic, look at how our island has changed overnight!" it's a cartoony game with talking animals and ghosts so they could explain it away with cartoon logic.

i have no idea either.
Excluding events, the clothing offered is based on seasons not month.
i don't think the aesthetics will be an issue really. i mean in real life places that have christmas in summer or just have warm weather you still see them putting up christmas lights and decorations of santa in his winter clothes and sleigh, even though they have no snow.
i mean in real life places that have christmas in summer or just have warm weather you still see them putting up christmas lights and decorations of santa in his winter clothes and sleigh, even though they have no snow.

As someone living in a desert I can attest to this—Christmas lights on cactus and all xD
i wonder if maybe the whole 2 hemispheres thing is why they've chosen to do the events as free updates... gives them more time to makes sure both versions of the event are fully fleshed out and whatnot.

that said, having the lights on in summer would look sick as!! i want having lights on trees to be an actual feature.
i wonder if we can set location in-game or will it take the system location.

I want one game to be in Southern and the other to be in Northern. It'll be easier if I can just set it in-game.
But how will snowman building work for Southern Hemisphere players? Will they build snowmen in July and get christmas-styled items from them although it?s not christmas for them?
i don't think the aesthetics will be an issue really. i mean in real life places that have christmas in summer or just have warm weather you still see them putting up christmas lights and decorations of santa in his winter clothes and sleigh, even though they have no snow.

that's true, i think I'm just used to having a winter christmas since way back in wild world so i imagine it as looking off to me. not in real life though hahah, bbqs at the beach for christmas all the way

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But how will snowman building work for Southern Hemisphere players? Will they build snowmen in July and get christmas-styled items from them although it?s not christmas for them?

yeah, another example of something that wouldn't quite work for me haha!
tempted to set myself as northern hemisphere just so the event items match their seasons but i was also really excited to play in southern hemisphere.. who knows???

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welcome to the forums!

i honestly was wondering about this too, especially because they glossed over it in the direct. maybe for the holidays the update will make it so that everyone with access to that holiday will have it's own specific instance of weather? like "wow it's just like magic, look at how our island has changed overnight!" it's a cartoony game with talking animals and ghosts so they could explain it away with cartoon logic.

i have no idea either.

thanks for the welcome!! :)) i mean i could just wait to see how it works after the game releases so i can choose between playing northern/southern hemisphere but theres nooo way i'm missing launch date after having already waited 9 months lolol
australian here.
you don’t need to have snow/be cold to celebrate christmas because shock horror, we celebrate christmas down here too.
we put lights on our houses and trees just like you do??? only difference is that there’s no snow and it’s 35C-40C out.
so no, not concerned.
in video the bauble comes from the string lights not the snow on the tree..

But how will snowman building work for Southern Hemisphere players? Will they build snowmen in July and get christmas-styled items from them although it’s not christmas for them?

snowman series were snowman themed and the ice theme were ice themed in past games, not christmas themed ... ??? so there’s no issue here? it’s not mutually exclusive?? jingle has his own themed furniture for christmas. we’re gonna be ok lmao.
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snowman series were snowman and the ice theme were ice themed in past games, not christmas themed ... ??? so there’s no issue here??? jingle has his own themed furniture for christmas. we’re gonna be ok lmao.

I didn't say you weren't going to be ok. It's just that there in fact ARE a few difficulties for localization. Yeah you're right, the snowman and ice series aren't in fact limited to christmas time, it's just that snowmen are usually a symbol for christmas. Also the christmas furniture is inspired by winter as well, like the snow globe, the festive stump and so on.

I'm just really curious how they will implement the hemisphere feature so it doesn't feel off in either of the options. :)
i wonder if we can set location in-game or will it take the system location.

I want one game to be in Southern and the other to be in Northern. It'll be easier if I can just set it in-game.

i'm almost certain we'll be able to set our hemisphere in game. it seemed that way in the direct.
I don't see a problem with the christmas events happening in summer. Like if its dark out you sure as hell could put fairy lights up and it'd still look pretty and make sense to the game. But maybe it'll be kinda depressing that we can't build a snowman during the holiday season. I hope there will be a sandy snowman alternative furniture item so we can have our summer decorated christmas.

My concern is more about how will holiday events match our seasons aesthetically. For example, that store decorated in orange with halloween stuff. Is that building going to look cute if my island is set in Spring with pink cherry blossom trees? I just don't want it to look out of place.

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I didn't say you weren't going to be ok. It's just that there in fact ARE a few difficulties for localization. Yeah you're right, the snowman and ice series aren't in fact limited to christmas time, it's just that snowmen are usually a symbol for christmas. Also the christmas furniture is inspired by winter as well, like the snow globe, the festive stump and so on.

I'm just really curious how they will implement the hemisphere feature so it doesn't feel off in either of the options. :)

us not being okay wasn’t meant to be taken literally. and i reaaaalllly don’t see how there’ll be difficulties for localisation?
i mean i live in a different hemisphere to you, but if having christmas in winter is all you know and all you’re used to.. then i can’t really blame you.

it's just that snowmen are usually a symbol for christmas.
ok but maybe for you ???? snow =/= christmas - they’re not mutually exclusive???
we do get snow in certain parts of australia too, we can also buy snow globes here that are also christmas themed? it’s not like the rest of jingles furniture in NL is covered in snow..

people who live in the opposite hemisphere still do experience all the seasons - just in different months from you.. :confused::confused:
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i wonder if we can set location in-game or will it take the system location.

I want one game to be in Southern and the other to be in Northern. It'll be easier if I can just set it in-game.

I think they stated this in the direct actually (I linked the time it states it for you :3 https://youtu.be/Ie4WZCLbtVs?t=117). It seems to imply that you get to choose.
it's just that snowmen are usually a symbol for christmas...

I'm just really curious how they will implement the hemisphere feature so it doesn't feel off in either of the options. :)

I never equated snowmen for christmas. Snowmen were for winter and santa and reindeer were for christmas! :lemon:

I'm also really curious how they will implement the holidays for the different hemispheres too. Since I'm in the northern hemisphere it would feel off to me if winter was suddenly hot and summery while halloween was accompannied by cherry blossoms.

I'm going to have to find a southern hemisphere streamer to watch the backlogs on after I get to the seasons they are in! That way I can see how it works!
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australian here.
you don?t need to have snow/be cold to celebrate christmas because shock horror, we celebrate christmas down here too.
we put lights on our houses and trees just like you do??? only difference is that there?s no snow and it?s 35C-40C out.
so no, not concerned.
in video the bauble comes from the string lights not the snow on the tree..

snowman series were snowman themed and the ice theme were ice themed in past games, not christmas themed ... ??? so there?s no issue here? it?s not mutually exclusive?? jingle has his own themed furniture for christmas. we?re gonna be ok lmao.

literally also an australian here. didn't mean to make it sound like a life or death situation.. was just wondering and wanted to discuss if we will get any adjustments since its the first time southern hemisphere seasons will be in animal crossing. cheers x
It wouldn't bother me if they got rid of the snowman series. I put that in the same category as the balloon set. :)