

Senior Member
Dec 16, 2008
im trying to catch a spider (not tarantula) and online ht says to shake trees. hve been shaking trees and no bug comes out! HELP? or if u find a lot of spiders, ill pay 10k if i catch 1.
Come to my town, and shake tree's while i fish, and catch that peacock.

All for free.

But only shake trees with no fruit, or if it is fruit you have to tidy it up.
I have found 1 spider a day in my town. Just shake all your trees in your town til he pops out. He will pop out on the opposite side you are on. Slowly creep up on him and swing your net. You cant do a full walk. He's small with yellow stripes on him. He comes off the branches. Shake tree... Wait a second or 2... Go to next tree. Time consuming, but he is there. Start with your non fruit bearing trees first. But he can be in fruit bearing trees sometimes.
The Famouse Fleep said:
Come to my town, and shake tree's while i fish, and catch that peacock.

All for free.

But only shake trees with no fruit, or if it is fruit you have to tidy it up.
oh, i wanna try myself first. and i caught the peacock today. ;)
ok, then. the spider is lone fo my 4 last bugs: I need the spider, scorpion, walkingstick, and longhorn beetle
Oh yea, i remember, you have to shake the tree and then it hangs from its web. Then you catch it.