Spoil the Ending... Badly

Captain Crazy Chicken

The bad guys are pirates?
Dec 14, 2014
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This one's simple. Just think of how any given work ends and spoil that wonderful endingy goodness like no tomorrow. Only do it badly.

I'll start.

The bunny planet is saved, the bad guys turn good, and people get to celebrate with janken.
Johnny dies, which leads to another character commiting suicide. The Curtis Brothers stay together and Sandy ditches Soda.
I said badly!


Johnny kills Bob the Soc, which leads to him and Ponyboy running away to a church, the church catches on fire hurting Ponyboy Johnny and Dally. Johnny dies from those injuries. Dally cant take it anymore to he robs a grocery store and gets himself killed. Ponyboy wins the murder trial which lets him stay with Soda and Darry. Soda hates it when Darry and Pony fight so he confesses that. Sandy left Soda 'cause she was pregnant with someone elses child.
The main character becomes a seal to stop Nyx from turning the whole human race into black jelly filling.

I see that.
kid locks best friend behind a door full of giant shadows and a missing rodent royalty and then watches his girlfriend float away on a patch of sand
Someone dies but some robot he made, makes him into a robot, then some other person dies, and some other person makes them into a robot
Hannah Montana takes of her wig, chooses team Jacob, and gets into college because of celebrity favoritism.
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