stand or sit?


Retro Braniac
Nov 16, 2008
Chocolate Coins
Yellow Feather
Red Feather
White Feather
The Bell Tree Fair 2013 Patch
Rainbow Feather
Silver Trophy (Second Place)
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
Blue Feather
Silver Trophy (Second Place)
This thought just occurred to me... do you play animal crossing sitting, or standing?

I stand, thats why it suddenly came to mind. XD
I sit when I play casual games like AC. I stand when I play Wii Sports. It varies while playing brawl.
SuperGil said:
I sit when I play casual games like AC. I stand when I play Wii Sports. It varies while playing brawl.
yeessshhhh, the epic battle, right when your 1 kill away and you end up facing the sudden death match--thats when ya get up and really grind your teeth XD

I swear, the smash series can be worse then any kind of sports show XD
I sit. On the floor. That's probably the reason I don't point very much, cuz from that low my sensor doesn't always work.
I sometimes bring a chair by the t.v. if I know I'll be playing for a while but if I'm just checking nook's and the able sisters then I stand, most of the time I stand out of habit though
i sit down i mean why do they show people standing up playing i mean who would stand up lol