Star Wars: Prequels vs Sequels

Which trilogy is worse?

  • Prequel Trilogy

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • Sequel Trilogy

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • Actually, it’s the Original Trilogy

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • They’re both equally bad

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • What about the Special Editions?

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • I don’t even care about Star Wars

    Votes: 4 23.5%

  • Total voters


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Sep 9, 2014
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It?s obvious that the Original Trilogy wins no matter what it?s being compared to, but of the lesser two trilogies, which one did you think was better? The Prequels, or the Sequels? The Prequels are a perfect example of when the creator decides to ruin their own work, as the Sequels are a perfect example of when new management ruins a good series.

Despite being so long since the Prequels came out, they are still problematic today. But the Sequels are just as bad (maybe not as bad, maybe worse). However, it?s your opinion to decide which one is actually worse.
I can see this thread opening a can of worms.
The prequels are cringy af but I enjoy all star wars movies so it doesn't bother me
I'm not sure on this one. The Star Wars movies have never bothered me before, but I will admit, the last couple ones they came out with these last few years have been a little weird. If I really had an opinion, they should of just left Star Wars alone with the first six ones that came out. Overall though I like them all and are not bothered by them too much. :)
This isn’t even a question to be honest. The sequels are terrible. Like... episode VII was okay, but episode VIII didn’t even meet Star Wars standards. That’s how bad it was.
I’m going with the sequels on this.

Let’s forget about political correctness and how it’s ruining the modern film industry. I’m only going to rebel against it when it promotes discrimination or censorship. What I’m most concerned about is how the Sequel Trilogy missed the entire point of Star Wars. It’s all about the tragedy of Darth Vader, not spaceships, lightsabers, and planets. They also paid too much homage to the Original Trilogy, the second movie ruined many mysteries, the first movie is a remake of A New Hope, and they are more of a cash grab and series extension than about enhancing the plot.
I'm not particularly into Star Wars, so I don't really have any strong opinions on this matter. I saw the original trilogy when I was quite young and thought they were okay, and the prequels were coming out when I was a kid/young teen so I ended up seeing them over the years. I haven't paid attention to the sequel trilogy because they've come out in recent years and I've not gone out of my way to check them out. In general, I tend to wait months or years before watching new media, so yeah.

The prequels, for all their faults, nonetheless have some good aspects to them. I heard it mentioned a few years ago that they sort of show how a society degrades and falls into fascism, and that makes sense and makes things a bit more interesting. Darth Maul and the song that played during his fight, Duel of the Fates, were pretty cool to witness as a kid. Darth Sidious is a meme machine.

I'll refrain from voting because it would be unfair to the sequels to malign them without having seen them in full.
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As of now, I would consider the sequels to be the worst. Maybe Rise of Skywalker will turn that around, but I don't expect it to. Star Wars Legends is much better. I don't care if Disney says that's non-canon.
Never saw Star Wars. Ever. Just a bunch of stupid Star Wars parodies.
Misunderstood the poll and accidentally voted Original Trilogy, which is the best. I think the prequels and sequels are about equal and it'll be up to this next movie to really decide which is better than the other. Revenge of the Sith is by far the best prequel movie yet was the last to come out.
say What you will about the sequels, but there’s no JarJar.
I think the Prequels are the worst! They are soooooo boring. The Sequels I could stay focused throughout them at least, and I actually enjoyed The Force Awakens.
I like Star Wars but I'm not a purist and I don't really care about paying respect to the canon.I judge the Star Wars movies by how the work as entertainment.Nothing can touch the original trilogy.It's the best and will always be the best.The prequels were terrible except for the last installment which was decent.George Lucas really should have got somebody else involved to help him with the prequels.He's great for ideas and building an imaginary world but not so great as a writer or director.The sequel trilogy has been a mixed bag but they work as entertaining films and are waaayyyy better than the prequels.
The Prequels and Sequels are debatable. I think the Sequels are missing some magic that makes them feel like Star Wars. Maybe its Lucas not being involved, but I miss some of those moments where they showed off more aliens that made the world feel more believable. I did like the Force Awaken tho, but not The Last Jedi. The prequels felted like Star Wars but there were moments where they felt rushed in the writing, but overall (minus Jar jar lol) they were pretty good.

At the end of the day, its hard to please all Star Wars fans equally lol
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