starting to regret my choices of bushes and flowers


gulliver stan.
May 29, 2018
basically what's in the title. after time traveling in an attempt to get raymond or pashmina to mention moving, i've made it back into march 20th, and after being used to the snow for so long, the color scheme now looks weird to me against the green.

i'm using (everywhere):
- pink camellia bushes
- pink hyacinths
- orange hyacinths
-white windflowers
- white cosmos

and while ofc they're pretty and make a nice combo, i think they look much better with the snow. now looking at this green, i can't help but imagine red windflowers and red hibiscus or red camellias, with some other flower like gold roses, white lilies or whatever. i don't know what to dooooo. it would be so much work to not only dig up everything, but to gather new bushes and grow + trade for new hybrids. i'd pretty much have to change the pastel like theme of my island too. help :(
I would say first wait a day or two so you adjust back. Then make a list if the reasons you like or want to change and be specific to what you would change. Wait a day or two reread your list and decide from there? Thats generally how I make decisions in a game like this.

You could also think of it as a chamce to allow your island to evolve and irnwould give you something to work towards.
You don't like your current color scheme. Great! More excuses to play the game to switch everything around! Only, you don't want to play more of the game to switch things around because it is too much work?

I'm not much help because I like changing things around, decorating, redecorating, and repeat. I'm like that with my AC House too and the island just gives me more excuses to fiddle with things until it is exactly how I like them. I just view it as part of the gameplay loop so it doesn't feel like work to me. I also insist on breeding all of my own flowers too, so that keeps things fun for me.
I usually like to switch some bushes and flowers around seasonally but mainly I also have stuck with the same ones all year. I have mostly pink and white flowers on my island as well but recently planted some other bush and flower types to break it up in certain areas. Sometimes what I do is plant all of my bushes or flowers I want for a particular season behind a cliff out of view so they're easily accessible for future use and not just wasted when the season ends. It doesn't hurt to experiment a little and plant some flowers on the beach out of the way or something while you work on landscaping!
I use bushes and flowers for seasonality. I used sweet olive bushes and black/orange flowers during Halloween and the autumn season, but when winter came around it just clashed with the snow. The game wants you to change around the bushes and flowers so if you don't like what you see just try experimenting and see what works. I always keep around a few flowers of each type just in case I need more.
You don't like your current color scheme. Great! More excuses to play the game to switch everything around! Only, you don't want to play more of the game to switch things around because it is too much work?
They never said they wanted to not play the game. Just that the color palette is not working now. I came across that to with my one of my bushes that had this ugly sick green color when winter hit. So I just ripped them all out and placed in the holly bush. I kind of wish the berries didn't die so fast and I hope when spring/summer comes the bushes don't have a ugly green color.
The good thing about this game is that you can play with them all and try different things! It might be a lot of work to replant everything but if it'll make you happier, than why not?
Color combinations are hard because different colors look good in different seasons. I try to just pick colors that I like. I like pink, so I have pink flowers everywhere, and then I matched them with white flowers. I’m in the process of switching out my holly for pink hydrangeas right now, or pink camellias depending on what Leif brings me next lol
They never said they wanted to not play the game. Just that the color palette is not working now. I came across that to with my one of my bushes that had this ugly sick green color when winter hit. So I just ripped them all out and placed in the holly bush. I kind of wish the berries didn't die so fast and I hope when spring/summer comes the bushes don't have a ugly green color.

You're right. They never actually said that. I inferred that because they said that digging up all of the shrubs and replacing all of the flowers is too much work. If it is too much work, then they don't want to do it. If they don't want to do it, that is fine and there are other things to do. Like talking to villagers, fishing, bug catching, and shopping. After all, it is their game. Do what you want.

But, if they don't want to do it because it feels too much like work, then why do it? If a game feels like work, then take a break. When you come back, then you might be inspired to change it up or decide that you actually really like what you did and decide not to change it.
After a while of waiting, you could consider decorating your island by area. Like up front closer to the beach you can do your bright tropical looking stuff like your Red hibiscus. As you move in towards your island you can change the scheme to other colors. This way you have things for year round. Maybe in your mountain areas you can have your pink Camilla and Holly for example, or wherever your pine trees are located. (Hyacinths and cosmos look amazing around pine trees in my opinion because they remind me of mountain wild flowers)
I use all kinds of flowers all around my island, as I like a more natural approach. It makes it look like the flowers weren't planted in an organized way.

Sure, there are some areas where I used only a family of flower (even though I like to mix colors), but these are also closer to villagers' homes, which would make more sense, as if they planted these flowers themselves.

As for bushes, I only use both hibiscus bushes. I have a very small cliff where I planted some white azalea bushes, though.
They never said they wanted to not play the game. Just that the color palette is not working now. I came across that to with my one of my bushes that had this ugly sick green color when winter hit. So I just ripped them all out and placed in the holly bush. I kind of wish the berries didn't die so fast and I hope when spring/summer comes the bushes don't have a ugly green color.
exactly. ^ i love the game, and i love playing it, this has nothing to do with not wanting to play it. so thank you for understanding

to me it just feels like it'll be a waste of all the camellia bushes + flowers i'm using since there's no way for me to store them for later use, and i'd most likely have to throw them away/sell them to nooks. the amount of these flowers and bushes i have all around my island is MASSIVE, which is why i worry about all the time it'll take to dig them up, even have to move furniture around to get to certain areas, find/collect enough new bushes and flowers to replace all of them, and replant them. i envy the people who are switching out their bushes and everything with the changing seasons. 😅

still, i may do it anyway, even if not right away. i've been considering using a mix of either red hibiscus and red camellia, or red hibiscus and holly so that i have blooming shrubs in these seasons without having to switch them, then again that also makes me think about using bushes for fall time too. i think i have my heart set on red windflowers after unintentionally growing one, they look so pretty, and i feel like i could pair it with white lilies or some other type of white flower, and i'm even considering green mums because i feel like those would pair nicely with the coconuts on palm trees

not 100% sure yet though! thank you everyone for your responses
exactly. ^ i love the game, and i love playing it, this has nothing to do with not wanting to play it. so thank you for understanding

to me it just feels like it'll be a waste of all the camellia bushes + flowers i'm using since there's no way for me to store them for later use, and i'd most likely have to throw them away/sell them to nooks. the amount of these flowers and bushes i have all around my island is MASSIVE, which is why i worry about all the time it'll take to dig them up, even have to move furniture around to get to certain areas, find/collect enough new bushes and flowers to replace all of them, and replant them. i envy the people who are switching out their bushes and everything with the changing seasons. 😅

still, i may do it anyway, even if not right away. i've been considering using a mix of either red hibiscus and red camellia, or red hibiscus and holly so that i have blooming shrubs in these seasons without having to switch them, then again that also makes me think about using bushes for fall time too. i think i have my heart set on red windflowers after unintentionally growing one, they look so pretty, and i feel like i could pair it with white lilies or some other type of white flower, and i'm even considering green mums because i feel like those would pair nicely with the coconuts on palm trees

not 100% sure yet though! thank you everyone for your responses
Okay, so this is actually one of the things that I absolutely love about the game. Having to move things, change things out, etc. to match the season in the game. Like you, I have pink and white pretty much everywhere, but also red because Valentine's Day is coming up, and it was just Christmas, so really... it's all good!

Now I'm probably in a different position than most people, because I don't have every spot of my island decorated. The cliffs were pretty much left alone. On one cliff I have a picnic area with a rock theme, which fits so nicely in the winter can I just say? Anyhow, I still have my hyacinths (my native flower) all over the place up there, so even that's not completely cleaned up. I just moved my house up on another cliff to use that as a much larger yard with a pond (absolutely love this) so that area is a lot more cleaned up. But even one part of that cliffside has hyacinths of all covers. Is there any way you could do something similar, where you "store" and let flowers breed to get colors you want, where nobody is really going? That would be a great place to put the majority of the flowers that don't "fit" anymore. You don't even have to place all of them there, you can breed more of the pink and such later on when you want to; it doesn't take too long for the most part.

For the bushes, I actually use out-of-season bushes for decor too. Green shrubs are nice to have around your island. I have green shrubs go around my Nook shop, and then there are flowers in front of them. Looks pretty nice.

That's just some things that I do; I thought that I would chime in and offer up some ideas for you. ^^
I have different areas in my island that suits different types of seasons and some areas that I update to reflect the seasonal changes. For example, my campsite area and the enchanted forest area is more of a late summer to fall season highlight so the bushes and flowers are a mix of natural summer and fall colors. Mine and Marshal’s area is kind of springy because I love pink and white so the color scheme is more suited in spring to early summer. Fang and Molly’s area is in the forest quite high up so it’s more wintry themed so I’ve got hollies and winter flowers there. Rosie’s and Judy’s also have a lot of pinks and blues so it’s mostly hydrangeas for them. My shopping district has more of a fall vibe too because of Nooks having more of a yellow and orange color scheme so I used the olives for the bushes and stuff. However, I have common areas that I update and change the flowers and bushes according to season and that’s the entrance, the courtyard near the plaza and my rainbow garden in the middle of one neighborhood I have. They’re also the places where I display seasonal decor / furniture. I did things this way to avoid redoing the entire island every season.