Auction Static


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2013
100% (4) +
Is anyone even interested in Static? Trying to get him out of my second town right now.
Oh oh, I am ! Totally interested in Static, like woo Static what a cutie. I don't really have the money to buy him right now and this is an auction, I'm so sorry... Plus i'm not 100% sure if he can move into my town right now or not...
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I have two of your dream villagers... Stitches and Static!

I'm not very good at TTing, he's not in boxes, you're welcome to offer anything I'm not exactly looking for much at all. I didn't think anyone would be interested in him...
Yeah i'm really trying to save up for Stitches cause haha wow there's goes my actual life savings ??/?/? I'm honestly just waiting for a transaction with Phoebe to officially happen and then I'll have a decent amount of bells to even consider placing a bid on him if i see an auction... But uhm, 100k I guess ! When exactly does this auction end?... And with what you said, this is technically a reservation, yeah ?
Auction ends when he's in boxes I guess, honestly I'm really in no hurry so if people want to wait around a bit I would be fine with it. I will make sure he goes to a home where he is a dreamie though, and not used at trading fodder...
Ah, okidoki, cool ! That's really nice of you, haha. I'll definitely keep an eye on this thread, I should have money within the next two days, so hopefully he doesn't just like move tomorrow.
I've been trying to get Antonio to move out for about seven hours in total and he still hasn't, but so many others have. You might be in luck with waiting. Q^Q
Oh my god some villagers man they just won't leave like what the heck some sort of masochism i will never understand. I'm still trying to tt out a few villagers since i'm pretty low on dreamies, haha. Hoping to try and reset to get a few i can sell in the process that i don't really want... Mind if I ask how got stitches? And if you bought him off, about how much for ? Sorry if this is really unrelated, haha.
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I'm not sure if I'm following this thread correctly but if Static is still up for auction, I'd like to place a bid! If he's already squared away for Exty then please ignore my post!
He's up for auction until he packs up. c:

I got Stitches when he was randomly in my camp in my main game, hahahah. I might be rehoming him since he's not my dream villager, but I'm not too sure yet.