Giveaway Stitches the lazy bear cub

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Senior Member
Sep 12, 2013
100% (240) +
Absolutely free if he's a dream villager. His clothes are original and his house is practically unchanged.
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Omg stitches I'd take him if I wasn't getting Lucky
She's not. :O I left a message on her profile so hope she comes back on soon.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Otherwise, I can take him in my cycling town. If that's okay with you.
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Let Twi be Stitches' priority.. But I'll TT Joey out if you don't wanna wait :) (I'm replacing Joey with him)
Actually, just let Twi/Pengu have him :) .. I've got a back-up for Stitches anyway.. Congrats! :D
Darn, he was one of my dreamies!
Good luck to Twilight. If they don't pick him up I can gladly take him in my lovely town of Westeros.
Thank you for being so generous and giving him away!
Just double checked and I do have room in my cycling town, as I just started it last night. :)

It doesn't say she's looking for anyone. It's not that I don't believe you, it's just not visible to anyone that she's actually looking for him. I'm gonna go with xoeffy because I know just by reading their signature that Stitches is a dream villager. I apologize for this but would like to say that it was very generous of you to post on her behalf and to offer to hold him for her.
It doesn't say she's looking for anyone. It's not that I don't believe you, it's just not visible to anyone that she's actually looking for him. I'm gonna go with xoeffy because I know just by reading their signature that Stitches is a dream villager. I apologize for this but would like to say that it was very generous of you to post on her behalf and to offer to hold him for her.

Seriously! thank you so much I just have to quickly tt someone out should only take 5 minutes
It doesn't say she's looking for anyone. It's not that I don't believe you, it's just not visible to anyone that she's actually looking for him. I'm gonna go with xoeffy because I know just by reading their signature that Stitches is a dream villager. I apologize for this but would like to say that it was very generous of you to post on her behalf and to offer to hold him for her.

That's fine and I understand your reasoning. :) At least I tried. :3

Congrats xoeffy!!
Congrats, Xoeffy! :D

Thank you! ah I'm so happy this actually means alot to me I lost Stitches in a TT accident in my old town and reset because going through the 16 villager cycle was ruining the game for me
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