Stopwatch purpose?


Island Representative Vormela
Dec 22, 2020
Dragonscale Easter Egg
Dragonscale Easter Egg
Maybe I just haven't noticed, but what is the purpose of the stopwatch? I carry it around with me but my villagers have only played the hidden-item game with me a few times this whole time I've been playing!
You can use it for personal challenges or challenges with your friends. I never thought of it until now, but can probably help with doing the timed snowboy techniques for some.
The only purpose I've seen it used is if you're playing with other people and say you want to play a game of who can catch the most fish or bugs. So you can challenge your friends to see that and use the stopwatch. It actually keeps count of how many fish and bugs you caught.
I've only found it useful for hide and seek, or find the treasure with friends. That was in New Leaf, though. I imagine you can do the same here.
I tried to make a christmas party with a couple of pp in my island and for activities or fun things you can do together i came up with the lucky rulette and with the stopwatch i hide a present around my island and gave them 5 mins to search for it. Hopefully in the future we get more things to do online and more interaction possibilities with out surrounding and we might be able to use it more then
Hopefully in the future we get more things to do online and more interaction possibilities with out surrounding and we might be able to use it more then

The Timer dates back to Wild World. So it's current usage has remained constant throughout the series.
In new leaf I used to use it to make sure I was spending five minutes in the water which was something that you could do to reset villager pings. People often did that to try to get more public works project requests and other things.
The Timer dates back to Wild World. So it's current usage has remained constant throughout the series.

I was not talking about the usage of the actual item but just hoping that Nintendo will improve the online dynamics between players and their environment so that maybe in a future we can make more use out of it. I really like it to be honest, but wished i could use it for more things than to Fish/bug personal tournaments or treasure huntings. Last time i had 4 pp over it was like "aaaaaaah sooo yeah nice island what now?" type of way, You know what i mean?