• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Shop storage cleanout for TBT! dirt cheap fall/winter seasonals, gulliver/arr, wedding, real art, saharah, nook stop color variations!

  1. TBT Bells
Hi there! If these items are still available, I'd like to grab:
  • Skyscraper wall (1 TBT)
  • Sea view (1 TBT)
  • Western vista (1 TBT)
  • Western desert (1 TBT)
  • Oasis flooring (1 TBT)
  • Phone box (red) (1 TBT)
  • x2 Public bench (black and white) (2 TBT)
  • Pool (white) (3 TBT)

I believe that comes to 11 TBT in total. :)
Hi! I'm not sure what will still be available when my order is viewed, but can I get the following?
  • All 3 pine bonsai: 7 TBT each
  • 2 frozen treat sets: 5 TBT each
Total would come to 21 + 10 = 31 tbt
Hi! If you’re still selling these: I’ll buy both frozen pillars and trees, and one of each public bench and one red phone box. Let me know if this is okay.
can i get two blue and yellow public benches, one red phone box, one red snack machine, two pine bonsais, four frozen-treat sets, four mush lamps for 66 tbt?
At some point when you're back online could I buy:
-snack machine (red) - 1
-lighthouse (blue/white) - 1
hi! could i get an orange public bench and a blue & yellow public bench for 2 tbt? :')
Hi can I buy the public bench in black and white (1 TBT) please if you still have. Thank you.
what is your igb conversion rate from 1 tbt to bells if i may ask? ^^