Strange Villager In Campsite?


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2020
My wife has 10 Villagers on her island. Today Isabell announced that there was a new villager at the campsite. Sure enough, there is. I thought that you had to have a vacancy and an empty plot of land to get someone to show up. Is there any risk of this new person booting someone out and taking their spot without her authorizing it? She likes everyone she has now. I also have 10 on my island and have not had this happen.
You can continue to get campers regardless of whether or not your island is full, I guess it's there for you to shake things up if you want. If you wanted that villager to move in, you'd have to explicitly convince them by winning a minigame and then ask them to move in (in which case they will pick one random villager on your island to replace). If you don't do anything, nothing is going to happen.
Visitors will always randomly show up.

You can get them to move in by winning a game with them, but they will choose who to boot out.

If it's someone you want to keep, just shut the software down and play again until they name a villager you don't mind losing.

They can't just move in unless you've spoken to them and either they ask to play a game, or just ask to live there. :)
If you wanted that villager to move in, you'd have to explicitly convince them by winning a minigame and then ask them to move in

You don't really have to win to get them to move in. When asking them to move in, they will randomly pick 1 of 3 dialogue options

1. They flat out decline your offer
2. They accept your offer
3. They leave it to chance (you have to win the game).

Should they pick option 3, and you fail the game, or of they pick option 1, just keep talking to them. The game will try again picking 1 of the 3 choices.